I just wanted to add this from the original article that I didn't see posted anywhere else:
The suit says that Hanselman, a certified diver, was preparing for an open-ocean dive with friends and associates in the summer of 2002. As part of the preparations, he had his scuba tank filled at Water World and undertook a practice dive in a swimming pool, according to the suit.
While in the pool, Hanselman developed a headache, lost strength and became disoriented, the suit adds.
Hanselman later learned, according to the lawsuit, that the air he purchased from Water World contained 380 times more carbon monoxide than standard air, 100 times more hydrocarbon gases and six times more carbon dioxide, along with a high concentration of methane.
It sort of sounds like they learned of the bad air after the fact, which might explain why the lawsuit is just now appearing 3 years later. Who knows? I'm definitely going to be following this one if I can since the shop is maybe 2 miles from my work.