To put together a fully stocked O2 kit (a stripped down version of what I have in my personal vehicle) you would need:
Oxygen (minimum of a "D" cylinder, preferably a "Jumbo D" or "E" would be better") Source: Welding supply company (that's where most ambulance services get theirs from) Cost: $40-60 depending on location
Oxygen regulator- $90-100 (you can buy them from medical supply catalogs; here's where I got mine
CPR Barrier Mask w/ O2 inlet- $15 or a Bag-valve-mask device $15
Non-rebreather mask- about $2.50 (always a good idea to carry at least two of them
TOTAL COST: about $200.00 tops, and that's if you include a bag to put all of it in (the one's designed to carry O2 run about $25.00 and up)
No need to waste several hundred dollars on an expensive outdated piece of equipment. You get just as high, if not higher, 02 concentrations from a NRB as you do an demand valve and it is much more comfortable for the patient.