I disagree, and I know cave instructors who refuse to teach students who have a Suunto.That "Suuntos are so very conservative" legend is just that. A legend.
I would also suggest that Suunto engineers disagree with you and are proud of their conservatism. Proud. I got to sit with two of them after they heard me make the very statement to a dive buddy at Dive Outpost in Luraville Florida. According to them, these PDCs were developed in the Baltic and North Seas to protect divers who dive in very cold waters. In fact, their HelO2 was developed with negative conservative factors in order to match Pelagic PDCs.
However, conservatism is only the beginning for safe diving with a PDC. I can't emphasize the diver's role in their own safety enough. I can dive more safely with a watch, a red ribbon and the rule of 120 than some divers I have seen with multiple PDCs on their persons. It's only a tool and it's up to each diver to figure out the best practices for them while using that tool.