I agree. The spearboard "poster" has a stated dislike for Ocean Divers.
"Tech" just like the "tech" guys from NJ who died on the Speigle Grove. She had "weights in her BC and was given a weight belt"? That doesn't sound like any "tech" diver I know. Again, "they dove all the time"? Paniced so bad she tried to kill her husband/boyfriend/doctor.
The only thing that does not add up is Keyone's postings at spearboard.
Keyone is also complaining about the alleged "fact" that OD left three divers to be picked-up by another boat, while they returned to shore with the victim. IMHO this is NOT a big deal. As anyone who has been to Molassas would agree, the dive boats on mooring balls are quite close together, some less than 50 yards apart. These divers were allegedly behind the boat, but were told to swim to another boat, close by, so OD could return with the victim. They were not abandoned, alone and at sea. Under the circumstances, getting the victim to shore would have been the priority.
I have never had an opportunity to dive with Ocxean Divers but I do regularily dive an operator on the same canal. I have observed their operations ther and at various dive sites in Key Largo.