Scuba_Dave:Could be...![]()
Plus it seems when I did the calendar for this year somehow the dive site for every weekend is Magnolia Rocks
My first reaction was "what a jerk" but come on guys think about it, how would you like it if you had people parking all over your lawn and tramping over your land to get to the water. I have heard of this guys issues for years now and it looks like he has been provoked into being the jerk he is today. He pays some serious taxes to live in that area and he does have more rights than the rest of us to use and enjoyment (maybe not legally but in my opinion). I am not saying anyone here created the problem but I think a little understanding would go a long way. I work with a bunch of different lawyers and use one frequently so him having his attorney speak for him is not any indication of evil intent. I am guessing the attorney was perfectly reasonable and just wanted to clear the air and establish boundries. I am still waiting for a map of were I can access the rocks and be in compliance. He may be a pain in the @ss but the cop who stated that is unprofessional and should keep his/her opinion to themselves and do their job, they were just pissed because they had to put the doughnut down to take the call.