MikeFerrara once bubbled...
An issue we ponder all the time. I prepare a tank for a customer by cleaning and installing O2 compatable components. The diver then has a tank I am willing to blend in. But..I may not always be the one filling the tank. Most fill station at dive sites (around here) have membrane systems. This gas is not garanteed to beet modified grade E standards. Will I bllend in this tank after it is filled there or does the poor diver have his tank cleaned onece a month? We take our chances. Even small amounts of contaminants collect over time but if it is clean enough your OK (fingers crossed here). Most compressors pump air that will meet modified grade E (I know mine does) However, If their is a problem and performance degrades there is no way to know. The hyper filter is supposed to provide modified grade E even if the compressor output is not so good.
There is a calculated risk every time we pump pure O2. Some blenders will assume more risk than others. Heck we don't prep this equipment in a clean room so is it ever "clean"? We hope that it is clean enough. There are some that will not PP blend in any tank that they don't own and there are others that don't use hyper filters or even care if the tank has been O2 cleaned. And...there are more incedences than we hear about. Global gets alot of calls about burned out seats in valves and other (usually minor) O2 fires.