Online Buying

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maintenance, and I'm not trying to defend them. It is amazing how some have stayed in business. Rudeness to a customer is not acceptable, especially when asking questions about gear maintenance and service. I have had to bite my tongue more than once when customers have let me know that my light bulb is not only dim but what light is left is flickering and they know a lot more about gear maintenace that I'll ever hope to. I'm not perfect, that is why I ask everyone to connect their gear to a tank and check it out before they leave. If they don't have the time but find a problem later, no problem, bring it back. I'll do my best to make it right. I've had regs brought back ( and I'm not saying you) with hoses rounded off plier marks bitten in to the reg body, yoke screws, yoke nuts, even the head of yoke screws broken off and they will swear on their lives that they didn't do anything to it. When they picked it up it was that way. Yes, that is my fault too. That makes me a bad tech in their eyes since I followed the manufacturers specs on rebuilding and they didn't like the way it breathed. Yes, I have made mistakes when rebuilding regs but thank the almighty it has never been anything major.

If all of us techs are that bad, and you repair your own gear, guess what. You're now a tech, :icon10: You know what catagory that puts you in now.
What shop do you work at Lead Carrier?
I tried 4 shops in my area. Two grossely botched the service: leaking BC, Air2 breathing like a brick, damaged yoke nut. One misrepesented the service it would provide. The other was just plain rude when I asked them to recheck due to sporatic difficulty with cracking pressure UW. That's when I started doing my own.

So I count that as 0 successes in 4 trials. EZ reports 0 successes in 5 trials. Basic statistical inference on 0 out 0f 9 would support, with high confidence, the majority claim.

But not statistically relevant. Based on that, would you be willing to bet that almost all shops in the US and Canada are incompetent out of the hundreds of thousands that are out there ... really that is what you are inferring. True or not, I claim like that is still statistically not relevant. I'd sooner bet on a lottery ticket, LOL. I've found 2 good shops around here out of at least a dozen or so (the others I don't bother with and don't know if they are any good).
I am not speaking for anyone but myself and the shop I associate with. I have gone in when the shop is closed and done warranty repairs for no charge, including labor. I have loaned friends my reg when I couldn't get theirs done, for whatever reason, and used a rental unit myself. Heck, I've even loaned out our owners equipment at times and told him about it after the fact. Will I do that for everyone, no. Over the years I know who our friends are and who wants to be a "customer". Maybe because we try to treat people like friends is why we're loosing our butts.

Of course with LP, you can always get quick turn around by overnighting your gear, having them overnight it back or maybe they'll just grab the store managers gear and ship it to you.

At least we know you are not presenting an unbiased point of view.

I am not with a shop and therefore do not have a predisposition towards using them.

If I found one that provided over the top service, I'd reconsider. Until then, I'll go for price, all other facors being reasonably equal.

As for the tech quality issue, I've not had a bad experience and doubt I'll have one anytime soon. But, if I need a tech I have to pay like everyone else, and don't get any special service or lower rates...even on the many items I've bought at an LDS. Maybe california shops are different...
I have checked 5 of the local dive shops and all but one did not know how to properly service a reg. (Parts not installed correctly, parts not changed at all, incorrectly adjusted, etc) Some may call this bad luck, but I feel that it is probably how it is in many places.
I agree. My Apeks regs go back to England for service this year. I had enough of the LDS incompetence and aggravation.
I have checked 5 of the local dive shops and all but one did not know how to properly service a reg. (Parts not installed correctly, parts not changed at all, incorrectly adjusted, etc) Some may call this bad luck, but I feel that it is probably how it is in many places.
I agree. My Apeks regs go back to England for service this year. I had enough of the LDS incompetence and aggravation.

That is too bad. I DM for a shop that does great work on them. PM me if you want to try. It might be easier than shipping back to England.
Something to also consider about online purchases...both Oceanic and Scubapro offer free parts for life. I wouldn't be surprised if others offer this as well. These savings can certainly add up and are only valid for products purchased through a USA dealer. (Leisure Pro gets their products from Europe and/or Asia)

Hi, I've got a couple of Sherwood regs I'd like to service. Zombie where can I buy parts?
...that some of you are having such a difficult time finding an acceptable dive center and repair center. There seems to be one frame of thought that the LDS is an evil, greedy entity. As with ANY industry (including online companies), there are the good, the bad and the ugly. I have found that most dive shops are staffed by people that love diving and do actually want to help people learn to dive. Do they want to sell gear? Of course they do...they have to make a living. I recommend to anyone that you check out a bunch of local centers and find one that suits your personality and interests. I have been in dive centers that I wondered, "how do these guys stay in business"? But I have also been in many that are just wonderful. The fact that my previous regulator (Scubapro) had lifetime parts as long as the reg was serviced each year really paid off. As far as buying online...many manufacturers do not sell their products to online companies. If these companies offer their lines of gear, they got it through the "grey market". I'm not saying don't buy it...I'm just saying that i have always taken great joy in buying from human beings whenever possible. Especially if they have helped me for hours or days to pick out the perfect gear for me. It delights me to hand over the money. (I feel the same in a motorcycle shop!)

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