Online Buying

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Too bad you have a bad dive shop. That would suck. (no pun indended)
Maybe you should find another LDS. Good Luck to you.

Here in Vegas, we are pretty limited.... The "Big Chains Sports Stores" have put a couple of LDS out of the retail business. The 2 that are left, one is Very Questionable on their work and customer service skills and the second is seldom open the hours stated and is a distance away.
Here in Vegas, we are pretty limited.... The "Big Chains Sports Stores" have put a couple of LDS out of the retail business. The 2 that are left, one is Very Questionable on their work and customer service skills and the second is seldom open the hours stated and is a distance away.

Well then it would be best for you to learn how to at least do some of the more basic repairs yourself then.

That is really too bad. You really don't have many options then.
This is exactly why I say the warranty is useless...most of the dive shops don't know how to properly service regs.

After seeing your post for quite a while Zombie, may I ask what data you are using to specify that most dive shops don't know how to properly service regs? Can I assume that you have visited most and checked out their abilities? I assure there are a number of shops that do sloppy work, just as there are instructors, including NAUI, that do sloppy instruction but does that mean that most instructors, including NAUI, are bad instructors? Just because you don't have a dive shop you trust in your area doesn't mean that all service techs are incompetent. Or maybe it does, we'll just group them in with the NAUI instructors, especially since class can be done on the internet now. Guess you'll be wanting to change your instructor affialiation real soon want you?
After seeing your post for quite a while Zombie, may I ask what data you are using to specify that most dive shops don't know how to properly service regs? Can I assume that you have visited most and checked out their abilities? I assure there are a number of shops that do sloppy work, just as there are instructors, including NAUI, that do sloppy instruction but does that mean that most instructors, including NAUI, are bad instructors? Just because you don't have a dive shop you trust in your area doesn't mean that all service techs are incompetent. Or maybe it does, we'll just group them in with the NAUI instructors, especially since class can be done on the internet now. Guess you'll be wanting to change your instructor affialiation real soon want you?

I have checked 5 of the local dive shops and all but one did not know how to properly service a reg. (Parts not installed correctly, parts not changed at all, incorrectly adjusted, etc) Some may call this bad luck, but I feel that it is probably how it is in many places. This is why I said "most". Finding a good tech is a lot harder than it sounds. There are some good ones out there, but you really have to look.

To be perfectly honest, the NAUI Instructors that I know ARE bad...extremely bad. So yes, maybe we should group techs with your average NAUI Instructor. I really don't care because I don't intend to teach for them anymore unless I have a friend who becomes interested in diving. The only reason I've stuck with NAUI is because I have more freedom concerning how I teach.
I have checked 5 of the local dive shops and all but one did not know how to properly service a reg.

Even 5 shops is hardly enough of a sample size to justify labeling the majority of other shops incompetent.
Mattymatt, Personally, the last thing I would do is buy any life support online. I'm an ex-NJ person and we just do not do those things.LOL If it breaks you'll be out of business and waste a lot of time and money to get it fixed. If it breaks ( malfunctions ) your LDS will fix it for you ASAP and a good shop will loan you one if it needs to be sent back to the manufacturer. QED

Email me where you are from and where you work. Looked at you profile and wondered if I knew you.

Mattymatt, Personally, the last thing I would do is buy any life support online. I'm an ex-NJ person and we just do not do those things.LOL If it breaks you'll be out of business and waste a lot of time and money to get it fixed. If it breaks ( malfunctions ) your LDS will fix it for you ASAP and a good shop will loan you one if it needs to be sent back to the manufacturer. QED

Email me where you are from and where you work. Looked at you profile and wondered if I knew you.


I don't see what is different about life support gear v. no life support, as far as buying online...Do you have to see it at the time of purchase? Is there some reason seeing it when it shows up at your house isn't enough?

If it breaks and it is a covered reason, and you bought it online, you go back to the guy who is warrantying it. If LP is that place, then so be it...I've bought regs online and have been happy so far.

A good shop will load you their reg (possible for weeks) if you bought it there and your breaks? Have you actually had this happen? If so, I'd love to do business with that shop at some point in the future...Please publish their name...My shop would likely make me rent one...I wonder if California shops are different...or if I'm using the wrong shops...heh
Couple of questions regarding online buying. If I purchase from an online store, such as Leisure Pro, do the regs and gauges come set-up? Also, if my LDS is a distributor/service site for the brand of items I ordered online, will they perform service under warranty, etc...? Or, does it have to go back to Leisure Pro?

The shop can of course perform service on your regs bought online (plenty of people by used stuff), but at their discretion of course. I beleieve the look up the serial number to see if it was sold through an authorized dealer, and if so, you get free parts. If not, the service is a bit extra. Realistically, the money you save buying online more than covers extra cost of service. Not to mention, you could learn to service yourself.
I don't see what is different about life support gear v. no life support, as far as buying online...Do you have to see it at the time of purchase? Is there some reason seeing it when it shows up at your house isn't enough?

If it breaks and it is a covered reason, and you bought it online, you go back to the guy who is warrantying it. If LP is that place, then so be it...I've bought regs online and have been happy so far.

A good shop will load you their reg (possible for weeks) if you bought it there and your breaks? Have you actually had this happen? If so, I'd love to do business with that shop at some point in the future...Please publish their name...My shop would likely make me rent one...I wonder if California shops are different...or if I'm using the wrong shops...heh

I am not speaking for anyone but myself and the shop I associate with. I have gone in when the shop is closed and done warranty repairs for no charge, including labor. I have loaned friends my reg when I couldn't get theirs done, for whatever reason, and used a rental unit myself. Heck, I've even loaned out our owners equipment at times and told him about it after the fact. Will I do that for everyone, no. Over the years I know who our friends are and who wants to be a "customer". Maybe because we try to treat people like friends is why we're loosing our butts.

Of course with LP, you can always get quick turn around by overnighting your gear, having them overnight it back or maybe they'll just grab the store managers gear and ship it to you.
I tried 4 shops in my area. Two grossely botched the service: leaking BC, Air2 breathing like a brick, damaged yoke nut. One misrepesented the service it would provide. The other was just plain rude when I asked them to recheck due to sporatic difficulty with cracking pressure UW. That's when I started doing my own.

So I count that as 0 successes in 4 trials. EZ reports 0 successes in 5 trials. Basic statistical inference on 0 out 0f 9 would support, with high confidence, the majority claim.

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