I’ll take a stab at translating, anything in parentheses is my commentary.
The strange death of a tourist that was SCUBA diving happened this morning, the tourist identified as Gene Hugues 64 apparently suffered a blackout/passed out and was presumed dead and left floating at sea for more than an hour as per instructions from the port captain.
It wasn’t until elements of the marine search and rescue team arrived that they realized that the person floating had a weak pulse and immediately was taken to their installation where an ambulance from a private clinic was waiting.
The foreigner was taken by ambulance to the hospital where several hours later he was pronounced dead. Unofficially it was said that the tourist had a pacemaker that had stopped working while diving, but afterwards something apparently happened where the diver once again had a pulse.
The strange thing about this case is the amount of time the body was at sea without anyone knowing when he went missing (this is not clear to me), per instructions of the Port captain so he wouldn’t get in trouble with the law, as recorded and divulged in several mediums. (again not clear)
And so it is how the waters of Cozumel continue to claim the lives of tourists that in many cases health problems/accidents are silenced so that the natural beauties of the island, but the consequences are tragic. (seems like they are saying accidents are covered up so that tourism doesn’t suffer)
Note: The syntax, wording and overall reporting are, in my opinion, quite poor.
Pretty poor translation - just confuses the issue.
The key (and scandalous) phrase in the text is
"Lo extraño de este caso es el tiempo que pasó el cuerpo del turista en el mar sin que nadie lo subiera a su embarcación, por instrucciones de capitanía de Puerto para que no se metieran en problemas con la ley, tal y como obra en una grabación que se ha divulgado en varios medios."
You translated this as:
The strange thing about this case is the amount of time the body was at sea without anyone knowing when he went missing (this is not clear to me), per instructions of the Port captain so he wouldn’t get in trouble with the law, as recorded and divulged in several mediums. (again not clear)
A more correct translation would be:
The strange thing about this case is the time the body of the tourist was in the sea without anyone bringing it on to their boat, per instructions from the Port Authority to not get in trouble with the law, as evidenced in a recording that has been published in various media.