I am going to try and shed some more light on this incident. My brother in law and I with our wives were diving with another operator and had just come up for our surface interval when we heard a lot of chatter on the radio. We asked the boat captain what was wrong and he said someone was dead. We responded to the boat calling for help and passed at least 5 or 6 boats to get to the boat. We quickly got into the boat and found the diver held up out of the water with a rope through his bcd. He was a large man and it took four of us to lift him into the boat. I asked about a medic coming and he said they were on their way. Once in the boat we found him unresponsive, no heart beat, and not breathing so we immediately started CPR. As we were in the process of performing CPR those working on him were jolted with an electrical shock. I looked at his chest wall and immediately noted a pacemaker. So we knew his pacemaker was trying to shock him back into a normal cardiac rhythm. We continued working on him for 15-20 minutes when the rest of his dive group showed up on another boat. We then rotated with this group continuing CPR and traveling back toward one of the piers and met up with the medical boat. He was transferred to the medic boat. I would estimate that he received CPR for 30-40 minutes in total during transit. I don't know why he didn't have a dive buddy. i do know that he did not have his fins on when we pulled him into the boat.
My thoughts and prayers are with his family and I want them to know we did everything in our power to save him.