The part where you said you exited the wreck and stood on the deck attempting to regain composure?
Penetrating wrecks that deep can be hazardous because you don't necessarily recognize that you're DUI (diving under the influence), and you make decisions you wouldn't make normally, or create incidents that silt out confined spaces.
Nausea, vertigo, panic, rapid shallow respiration, all of these sensations may result from nitrogen narcosis - particularly if you have blocked sinus cavities and resulting pain from pressure.
Ascending in the water column can reduce the symptoms, true, but while you're inside the wreck your opportunities for a clear ascent are limited.
Comments you've heard from others clearly reflect different lessons-learned, but I encourage you to not underestimate nitrogen narcosis. The effects are subtle and you may not think your judgement is impaired - but at 138 fsw on a single cylinder with health issues....you begin to see how major problems tend to result not from single major failures, but from the gradual build-up of a number of small problems and decisions that compound over time.
In that type of environment, narcosis can be the difference between surviving and not. There may be better options than air for planned dives to 140 fsw, and I encourage you to explore them.
Best of luck with your future diving.
The part where you said you exited the wreck and stood on the deck attempting to regain composure?
Remember that narcosis is an equal-opportunity-hazard.OnceLoyal:"I got through and deflated BC so I was standing on the deck. I felt like I couldn't breath. I banged on my tank to get the DMs attention and signaled to him that I need to ascend 10-20 Ft because my head felt like it was going to explode."
Penetrating wrecks that deep can be hazardous because you don't necessarily recognize that you're DUI (diving under the influence), and you make decisions you wouldn't make normally, or create incidents that silt out confined spaces.
Nausea, vertigo, panic, rapid shallow respiration, all of these sensations may result from nitrogen narcosis - particularly if you have blocked sinus cavities and resulting pain from pressure.
Ascending in the water column can reduce the symptoms, true, but while you're inside the wreck your opportunities for a clear ascent are limited.
Comments you've heard from others clearly reflect different lessons-learned, but I encourage you to not underestimate nitrogen narcosis. The effects are subtle and you may not think your judgement is impaired - but at 138 fsw on a single cylinder with health issues....you begin to see how major problems tend to result not from single major failures, but from the gradual build-up of a number of small problems and decisions that compound over time.
In that type of environment, narcosis can be the difference between surviving and not. There may be better options than air for planned dives to 140 fsw, and I encourage you to explore them.
Best of luck with your future diving.