Oly C-5060 & PT-020 problem

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Hi....i'm new here & wonders if anyone here have experience the same problems. My problems while diving with camera

1) it continously snapping photos, even without me pressing the button
2) try to change from A mode to M mode, nothing happens
3) without pressing any buttons, the LCD screen shows the camera menu

Irony is, the camera works fine above water. Any avdvice is appreciated. Thanks in advance
I would say that the camera isn't placed exactly right in the housing and that things "happen" or don't because of it...don't ask me how I know ;)
hhhhmmm..... thanks for the advise.... but to clarify further, the camera is still in the housing when used above water with no problem at all. Took it out and place it again the next day, the same things happened.
The dial on the top is known to have problems... Mine would swap menu's. Wouldn't take a pic. Wouldn't turn off. Or on... Had to send it in... Mine did it on dry land though. Out of the housing... Try moving the dial around out of the housing while turned on and see if menu's start popping up...

Oly knows about it. It's a problem that's well documented with the 5060. Google 5060 jog dial. Should come up with lots of posts...
I had a similar problem and actually posted a question on this form myself earlier this year. My menu's would change and some of the focus options (like switching back and fourth between macro mode etc. wouldn't work properly) as well as menus were flipping out. Fortunately my camera was still within the 1 year warranty. I called Olympus and they asked me to reset the camera by going in to the menu and selecting RESET to yes, this seemed to fix it but I wanted to get it looked at. They ran tests on it but couldn't find anything wrong but they did replace the jog dial for me.

I usually take care of my camera and housing quite well but I think I may have opened up the housing once after a dive without pulling up the jog dial clamp on the Pt-20 this is what may have caused the problem for me - I haven't seen any problems since getting it fixed.

good luck.
hhhhmmm..... thanks for the advise.... but to clarify further, the camera is still in the housing when used above water with no problem at all. Took it out and place it again the next day, the same things happened.

Sorry, thought there would be a simple answer
hhhhmmm..... thanks for the advise.... but to clarify further, the camera is still in the housing when used above water with no problem at all. Took it out and place it again the next day, the same things happened.

Lisa might be on the right track. If the camera operates fine in the housing out of the water, and starts acting up underwater, there could be a problem with the housing or placement of the camera in the housing, as it would appear that pressure on the housing is causing a problem. I have a 5050, so I'm not familiar with the jog dial problems, but the housing would be a good place to start checking.
Lisa might be on the right track. If the camera operates fine in the housing out of the water, and starts acting up underwater, there could be a problem with the housing or placement of the camera in the housing, as it would appear that pressure on the housing is causing a problem. I have a 5050, so I'm not familiar with the jog dial problems, but the housing would be a good place to start checking.

.... i suspect its the housing... as what redtail mentioned, i think i may did the same of opening up the housing without pulling up the jog dial clamp.

Redtail.... did you just RESET the camera or you send in the housing to Olympuss for them to look at?

Thanks all for your advice......
I think your problem is the extra pressure applied on the dial mode while UW. Most of them seem to screw up all the time but have heard of several that only did it UW.
I think your problem is the extra pressure applied on the dial mode while UW. Most of them seem to screw up all the time but have heard of several that only did it UW.


There's also another problem with the PT020 housing..... Every now and then the zoom lever from the housing slightly pushes the cam's zoom lever to one side!
This results in the camara constantly trying to zoom in or out.

Whilst doing that, the cam does all kinds of funny things or doesn't do anything at all!!!
Put yr cam in the housing and push the lever towards the lens and release it again. You'll see, that after releasing, the cams lever doesn't go back to it's neutral position....

Go back to yr retailer and ask him to adjust the tension of the spring slightly into the appropriate direction. If you are a DIY type of person you can try to do this yourself of course.

Hope this will help you out as well!!!

Best of luck,


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