RX100 VA hints for a beginner.

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Good day dear colleagues,

so far I have done many dives with my trusty old GoPro. However I disliked the image quality, and as I am going for another diving trip soon, I decided to upgrade my camera setup a bit. I read a lot of good stuff about Sony RX100, and for this reason I recently bought a new RX100 VA camera. It has the advantage that, without the underwater housing, I can use the camera also on land, which is a big plus.
Also the image quality of the RX100 VA seems to be very good. I purchased a Seafrogs housing, as I consider myself still a beginner and I dont want to spend more money for the housing than I did for the camera to start.

however I still have a couple questions.

a) is the Seafrogs a sensible choice for the start or should I have bought one of these really nice, but also very expensive Nauticam aluminium housings? do I need that as a beginner? My thinking was like so: I use the Seafrogs as a starter housing, see if it works out and I can get good pictures, and later, I can always buy a more professional housing. However I saw a couple threads from people who said that their Seafrogs housing flooded, but maybe this can happen to any housing? Also for lightning reasons I normally do not go much deeper than 20..25 m. The Seafrogs is rated to 60 m, but I would not trust this and never use it below, say, 40 m.
b) I have a tray for the camera housing with these ball joints and two grips. But I have not yet decided on the light. When I used my GoPro, I normally did not use any lights; sometimes, I used a normal torch but I think for this good camera it would make sense to have a good light too, but I have no clue what lights I need.
c) I also see that some people use additional flashers, that are connected with fibre optic cables to the camera housing. My Seafrogs housing also has the possibility to attach a fibre cable, and I wonder, do I need this? the RX100 VA has an internal flash, and the housing itself is transparent enough such that the flash shines through. It also has a diffusor that is detachable.
d) I also see that people have some very funky wide angle and macro lenses and stuff. Since I am a beginner, I have no idea which one of this I need; I see that my Seafrogs housing has the 67mm thread on the front window, so I could externally attach something, but I am not sure what particular lenses I would need. Is it okay to start without additional lenses, or is this a must?
e) I see that the Sony RX100 VA has a special underwater mode in the white balance settings. Is it worth to use this mode, or shall I just use better lights? I normally shoot RAW+JPEG, with the hope that, if the JPEG is bad, I have still the RAW to the rescue and can hopefully adjust the white balance and stuff.

I did not yet have the chance to go on a dive with my new RX100, but I really hope this camera will improve my ability to make good pictures.

For reference, I have attached a couple sample images from previous dives. I am really not super happy with the image quality, is much too much blueish and blurry, and the GoPro is sometimes really slow - i.e. you press the shutter button, and then it takes a couple seconds until it really takes a picture. The Sony is much much faster in this regard.

Basically, there are so many options and possibilities, that I struggle to find out where I shall start. Also it would be a bit sad when I go to my trip in February, and realise that my gear is useless. But I hope this is not the case, I am almost sure that the RX100 VA is a safe bet. Is it? I realise I can easily spend 10 times as much money for cases, trays, lights, flashes and stuff, than my camera cost. But I believe when I am only starting right now it makes not so much sense to buy the most professional stuff when I am still not yet experienced enough to properly use it...


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Which housing did you get? Sony DSC-RX100 Series 60m/195ft SeaFrogs Underwater Camera Housing or Sea Frogs SALTED LINE Waterproof Housing for Sony RX1xx camera series If it's the latter, then I highly recommend getting a Vivid Leak Sentinel vacuum system - it will reduce the chances of a flood to a near-zero. Unfortunately, however, I suspect you have the former, as you mentioned that it is transparent, in which case you don't have an opening to attach a vacuum valve to, so you have to be extremely careful about o-ring maintenance every time you go dive with it.

FWIW, I've done 400-ish dives with a SeaFrogs housing, and my camera is still fine.

The built-in flash in your camera is useful only for triggering external strobes - it is too weak, and too close to the lens to do anything but create backscatter on its own.

As far as photo image quality goes, a good pair of strobes is the biggest single upgrade you can get. Allow me to illustrate - this photo was taken in natural light:


And this is a very similar subject photographed with the same camera (Sony a6300) and housing (SeaFrogs) but using a pair of cheap strobes (SeaFrogs ST-100 Pro):


And this was still the same camera and housing, but with a pair of good strobes (Retra Pro):


The underwater mode is useful for video, although custom white balance off a grey card is still better, but for stills, you're better off just shooting in RAW and white balancing afterwards.

Wet lenses, both wide and macro, are highly useful, but good ones are expensive - between a wet lens and strobes, I would go for the strobes first.

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