Oktoberfest megadive 2010

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that's NOT what you said last time with the snoring thing ... =)

i am printing that and showing it to melinda

Pete: I shan't be diving, alas ... but i'll drink as though i weren't diving ... it will be awesome to hang out again

Chad... Chad... you got a drinking buddy.. wonder who will last longer...:cheers::drunks: Might need some of this too :gas:
Awesome! Count me in! Quick question...is there any good tech diving or just single tank rec?
Divers at the megadive range from noob OW to full Cave. Hope that helps.
Does anyone have an extra small or small BC to loan? My nephew just got certified this past weekend and we havent gotten him a BC or regs yet. I can rent them but would rather save some money. Going to get him a used one for fear that he will sprout in size in the year or so; so if anyone has one to sell, let me know. I want him to experience all the fun that I had at the last megadive. Thanks
I can bring a small bcd and a spare reg.

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i would so love to see you and the little chap! he is coming, right?

oh man, this gets better and better! though i suspect you'd say that to anybody brining booze =)

Yes Mooney will make a command appearance.

And as I recall Andy, you've never seen me boozin (though I've not been know to turn one down) it but I've seen you feedin fish. :)

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Yeah Andys going to join us!!! We have missed you!

trust me, not as much as i've missed you all =)

Not to mention your dive spools! :shocked2:

that was like, a little incident, what, six years ago?

i've matured since then

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