Kayak Diver:There are so many urchins down there...don't know how a few Socal divers are going to make a huge dent in the population by having a little fish feeding fun. You guys must eat tofu and wear Burkenstocks. All the nice shiny plastic, nylon, and metal you take scuba diving does more harm to the environment than killing a couple of urchins. Not to mention all the fossil fuels you burned getting there...
I don't consider killing other species for sport (= fun) appropriate. Just wait til the little green men from Xanadu finally arrive and start feeding us to their pets. We'll see how you like that! Must admit I find it hard to understand your position. Do you really enjoy killin or take it so lightly?
As for Burkenstocks, no thanks (although I'll eat a little granola). And normally I walk to the dive park carrying my 125-150# of gear on a hand cart even though I'm nearly 60 and I live up on top of the hill. Of course I have to agree re: the effects of manufacturing SCUBA and camera equipment on the environment- so why add to the damage we've already caused?