Oily bikini lady in rebreather ad

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Sorry, but I just don't think that's the game plan by the manufacturer, and in my opinion it is objectionable to suggest that it is, because basically it paints the manufacturer and the advertising people as ruthless primitives, and the potential buyers/target audience as primitive, hormone driven and easily manipulated idiots.

If you look away from the ad, and look at it again trying to see it the way the manufacturer and his/her ad people may have wanted you to see it - KISS rebreathers are super simple/easy/fun - aiming at recreational divers (and don't forget, you are talking relatively wealthy rec divers who can afford the money to buy the gear, who are unlikely to have made enough money because they are dumb). If you do that, the ad may not appear sexist anymore, and all you see is a pretty woman who had fun diving a KISS rebreather.

Just my 2 Cents - agree or agree to disagree :)

Most of what you say is perfectly reasonable, we really just differ on the wiliness of those who put the ad together. You seem to see them as sort of bumbling innocents trying to link their product to “fun in the sun,” and I see them as knowing exactly what they were doing. Maybe I am giving them too much credit, maybe you’re not giving them enough. That's what makes horse races.

I hardly see the advertising people responsible for this adds as “primitives.” I do respect them as skilled, knowledgeable and “ruthless.” I’m not suggesting that that they are targeting potential buyers as primitive, hormone driven and easily manipulated idiots who’ll buy a rebreather because they think it will get them a big chested girl. It’s far more insidious than that. My impression is that they are using a combination of triggers, including the acronym, the woman, and the bikini, to support a concept of lowering the bar that you must clear to be a CCR diver (the “so simple even a caveman can do it.” style campaign). Now, I don’t think that there’s anything wrong with a simpler rebreather, hell … that might get me to use one on a regular basis. What I think is wrong is making this woman appear simple.

And as to sexism (or racism for that matter), while I resent Pete calling me names, I’ll tell you up front that I am sexist and I am racist and that anyone who has grown up in America and is not willing to admit that will never find the strength to overcome their prejudices.

The folks from Jetsam are going.

Damn. this ad sure is attracting lots of attention & hits on our site.

Someone call Pete and order anothe 6 months worth of it!"​
Most of what you say is perfectly reasonable, we really just differ on the wiliness of those who put the ad together. You seem to see them as sort of bumbling innocents trying to link their product to “fun in the sun,” and I see them as knowing exactly what they were doing. Maybe I am giving them too much credit, maybe you’re not giving them enough. That's what makes horse races.

I didn't mean to say that they don't know what they're doing - I am sure that they know exactly what they're doing and the ad is probably pretty much exactly what they wanted it to be, so you and I are in agreement on this. We're also in agreement, that the visual clues are supposed to trigger certain emotions, associations and conclusions, and to leave the viewer with a message. What we disagree on is what kind of message that is :)

Different people - different perceptions:

You see oily - I see wet.
You see girl in bikini with big breasts and think "sexy" - I see the same girl and think "she had fun"

Maybe the ad makers didn't do such a good job after all, if the message isn't really clear, and turns some people off, rather than getting them to consider the product.

Hat's off to you for admitting that your're prejudiced, and welcome to the club - IMHO anybody who claims she/he isn't prejudiced, is a liar or in denial (regardless of where she/he stems from).

Most of what you say is perfectly reasonable, we really just differ on the wiliness of those who put the ad together. You seem to see them as sort of bumbling innocents trying to link their product to “fun in the sun,” and I see them as knowing exactly what they were doing. Maybe I am giving them too much credit, maybe you’re not giving them enough. That's what makes horse races.

I hardly see the advertising people responsible for this adds as “primitives.” I do respect them as skilled, knowledgeable and “ruthless.” I’m not suggesting that that they are targeting potential buyers as primitive, hormone driven and easily manipulated idiots who’ll buy a rebreather because they think it will get them a big chested girl. It’s far more insidious than that. My impression is that they are using a combination of triggers, including the acronym, the woman, and the bikini, to support a concept of lowering the bar that you must clear to be a CCR diver (the “so simple even a caveman can do it.” style campaign). Now, I don’t think that there’s anything wrong with a simpler rebreather, hell … that might get me to use one on a regular basis. What I think is wrong is making this woman appear simple.

And as to sexism (or racism for that matter), while I resent Pete calling me names, I’ll tell you up front that I am sexist and I am racist and that anyone who has grown up in America and is not willing to admit that will never find the strength to overcome their prejudices.

first what I see from just about every one of your postings, is the fact that you are ignorant of the facts of this case, you are armchair quarterbacking and assuming a lot. your continued Ignoring any attempt to convince you otherwise proves that your mind is closed to reason.

I dont spend much time on SB for just this reason, screaming loudly and proudly until all your detractors quit providing reason in pure exhaustion is routine here, after all, then you can claim victory (in your own deluded mind) since every one else isnt arguing anymore. "lookie there, Im the smartest one again" Actually it only proves you are the one with the most time to waste parking your brain in front of a computer for hours on end. Why not go spend some time with your kids, obviously your viewpoints havent taken to them, probably cause they are busy watching TV and rap videos while you have your face glued to the computer. Great family value system, no?

I personally know the people you are discussing, including Carolina (yes she has a name) her husband John and Kim the owner of Jetsam. I can absolutly guarantee you that the "simple is for bimbo's" theme you are pushing for the intent of this ad is so far off base, you are not even in the same city, let alone the ball park. Firstly, John would never put up with anyone attempting to put that label on Carolina, not to mention that Carolina is a very intelligent lady, with perfect manners AND looks, yes they can come in the same package, and frequently do. Funny thing, Kim, who owns all of Jetsam since Gordon passed away, is another of the same type. Smart, attractive and a great diver, Trimix CCR, in fact. Oh, yeah, why cant KISS mean, Keep It Simple Smith, after the designer. Also you say the ad would be fine with a Megalodon rebreather in it, whats the difference? ISC makes the COPIS Meg (that I developed, by the way) that bases its operation on the exact same principle that the Jetsam CCRs use. My girlfriend has one and dives it on trimix, to over 200 feet deep. Oh yeah, and she has boobys too! So which is she, dumb cause she elected to not be flat, or smart cause she dives a CCR? I dare say that when it comes to "street smarts", I would put her up against you with your "book smarts" any day of the week.

If you perceive the ad the way you discuss, the only thing I can assume from that, is not that the ad has an attitude problem, is that you have a perception problem. Get over it. Its just fun in the sun, the KISS acronym was around long before the Sport KISS (which is the model of CCR Carolina is diving) and even before Gordon and Kim married, and Kim put the ad out. Showing again that your assumed "behind the scenes" machinations of hormone manipulation is your own warped imagination getting the better of you. I bet Sigmund would have a ball with you and your twisted little mind.

Now that you have the facts, are you going to continue to argue your feeble point??? This would only cement all the postulation that I have provided here. I will only post my viewpoint once, so you wont be arguing with me. You could probably write a couple more pages of drivel designed to make yourself feel better, or even a few more posts to see that I will not respond to your trolling, so you can say you won (again). Maybe, just maybe, you will actually let a tiny bit of light into the closed up dungeon of your brain and realize that you may be wrong here. Then you could post an apology in case Carolina may actually find her way here (though not likely, she has much better things to do) as do I, another reason I wont be back.

Think about this, if this post just infuriates you and your blood pressure goes up and your face gets red, then you missed the point and your brain is closed. However, if you feel like a cold mackrel just hit you in the face and you pull back and contemplate the error of your ways, and actually sit down and write your next post as an apology... you may be on the road to recovery from your malady. The choice is yours. If the latter...then finish the apology, hit "post reply", turn the stupid computer off and go spend some quality time with your family, they may just miss you.
Ron, you've worked more accustaions, more unsupported suppositions and more defemation of character into a single post of less than 1000 words than I think I've ever seen before. All I can do is congratulate you and chuckle.
why the hell do people think they have any right to judge other people for how they choose to make money to begin with? If I wanna be photographed nude with a scuba mask doing a half-assed attempt of covering my sac with my wiener sticking up as a snorkel for money and get the billboards plastered all over the highway then who the hell are anyone here to say I shouldnt?

Thank God that there's not a marketing agency in the entire free world who'd want you, like this, as their poster child!:D
those Norwegians, you never know what they might do.

I think there are two issues about the ad. The intent of the marketing people and if that is inherently right or wrong, since individuals have some mindfulness over their reactions.

I wouldn't assume the diver would be crushed and hurt by the thread (she might) but chances are she has dealt with clowns before us.

Kev can't visit England at the moment, and Thal should skip the Domican Republic this week.
Well it would seem that in response to Kompressor's original question, we have seen that there are NO women on Scubaboard that were bothered in the least by the ad of the oily lady in the bikini with a CCR unit on her. And that was his original question.

There were however many such who were bothered by men on scubaboard discussing the ad. And if you discussed the ad at all, then by their definition you apparently were "sexist," a nasty word that means you are a bad person.

I have noticed at least 5 groups of postings on this topic.

#1 reacted unfavorably to the ad. Kompressor, Thal, and I to name a few. Whether for technical scuba reasons or versus general marketing tactics. Kompressor himself seemed to excape the "sexist" accusation, perhaps because he seems sensitive, and apparently that was the nature of his query. And anyone sensitive could not possibly be "sexist," and must surely wear a white suit, wear a white hat, and ride a white horse all day long!

#2 reacted unfavorably to those reacting unfavorable to the ad. The guise however seemed to be under anti-sexism. The thesis being that if you reacted unfavorable to the ad, then you are sexist, and guilty until somehow miraculously proven innocent.

#3 were those who tended to agree with NetDoc for no logical reason other than they want to court his favours as the ChmOfTheBoard. And anything NetDoc says, they are going to agree with, even if they cannot think of a good reason why.

#4 those who reacted favorably to the ad; either they thought the CCR diver looked convincing, or that she empowered women somehow in that heavy CCR unit, or that even though she had a bikini on (most ITCs will caution you against this, although maybe not in Florida), it was a good looking bikini, etc. After all, KISS pays, so why not?

#5 those who liked to joke around, and keep the atmosphere light, amid the dust cloud of the battling titans (Thal & NetDoc); AlMityWife is my favorite comedien in this group, although there were also lots of runners up who deserve an honorable mention!

My own favorite CCR ad is our own Chickdiver in her own Megaladon CCR in her avatar. But maybe I am just biased, in that I perfer really smart divers (read: tech instructors) who gear up accordingly to prevent hypothermia on long deco hangs after deep CCR dives. Thats just my own bias, I suppose. Everyone has biases, just like Thal explained.

I can appreciate NetDoc's perspective on KISS paying for the ad. This is exactly what businessmen must be concerned with to keep the business going. Nobody here wants this business, Scubaboard, to fail.

NetDoc's views and explanations have given me insight into KISS's apparent marketing shift into non-technical recreational diving. I would have never guess this effort was afoot. Since I am a dedicated open circuit technical diver, I am not within that target market.

To the occasional low-quotient learning-challenged respondent (Group 6) who accuse everyone and everything with nasty sounding words, I can only say, keep your eyes on your buddy when you go into the water, and don't stray too far. The ocean is unforgiving of the inability to think logically under pressure.

keep your eyes on your buddy when you go into the water, and don't stray too far. The ocean is unforgiving of the inability to think logically under pressure.
those Norwegians, you never know what they might do.

LOL. I want to see THAT ad.

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