Eric Sedletzky
I’ll have to figure out how to do that. I use an I-phone exclusively now and haven’t figured out a way to post pictures directly from my phone.I have been searching for pictures of this late model with bolted rails.
Can you post some pictures here.
I understand that i can bolt the wing inbetween the plate and the rails, does that mean i can use a wing without holes for cambands and just put the bands around the rails, or does that not work.
I plan to buy a new wing, maybe between 18-25 lbs, but it would be nice to be able to use my existing Agir Blackbird before i can find the right one to use.
I’m guessing I need to establish an account at a photo sharing website somewhere and link the URL.
To answer your question, if your wing has 11” center holes then it will get sandwiched in between the plate and rail bracket and you bolt it together and have a solid unit. If the wing slots line up with the plate slots, great! If not you can always run the cam straps under the rail bars and skip the plate slots. Halcyon for instance has no wing slots so this would be the only way to use one of their wings with my plate. You can also bolt the rail directly to the plate then lay the wing over the outside of the rail bracket (float it) then run the cam bands through the wing slots and around the rail bar skipping the plate slots. This would work for wings where the 11” grommets are not in a favorable position on the wing or for wings with some sort of very strange tank wobble stopper system that does not allow the wing to be sandwiched in between the plate and rail.
Finally, some wings will allow for the plate and wing to be used without the rail bracket entirely. The wing sits directly onto the back of the plate and the cam bands hold everything secure. The wing has to have slots that line up with the plate and larger size cylindrical roll control cushions in order for this to work. Oxycheq and VDH wings allow for this.
The only downside is this you lose the magic tank angle that the rail provides to keep the tank angle at the premium offset degree. People who travel and want to shave off 1 lb of weight from their baggage will do this.