Odd injury after a roll back entry...some thoughts and help?

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Hi everyone,

I've been diving for a little over 2 decades and happen to think it is the best hobby and sport on the planet. I was diving in Roatan for about a week in mid March and managed to do something oddly painful. One of the days we dove on a boat that was NOT a dive boat. They overbooked so we had a small capacity dingy looking boat for the day.

Entry was obviously a back roll where we had to watch our fins rolling back to not get caught in whatever was in front of us rom buckets to other items. On the first dive of the second day, my fin got caught in something on the way and the top of my left medial calf/back of my knee was incredibly painful once I entered the water. It was first throbbing and then quite painful but I ignored it and dove. Essentially I wasn't able to straighten my left leg since there was a lack of space and my fin was caught in some object as I rolled back. It felt NOT good.

Later that afternoon and for the following few days it was sore to the touch and felt like an overextended muscle or tendon at the top of my calf and right behind/below my knee. I kept diving and continued to enjoy every second of my vacation while icing it at night.

This was mid March and today is the 1st of May. It has still been slightly sore to the touch, but I am working out just about daily and besides being "annoying" it hasn't actually hurt minus when I bang it by accident. Today it decided to swell up in that area to the size of a very small baseball or a huge golfball.

Has anyone had a similar injury that can share what was actually injured? Yes I will call around to get into a doctor tomorrow, but it is currently 630pm my time and I can hardly see this as an emergency when I've been ignoring it for about 5.5-6 weeks. The swelling is at the top of my right calf towards the medial part of my leg just below what would be considered the back of my knee.

Thank you for any light you can shed on my issue to help me, I appreciate it!
I don’t know why it would still hurt after so many weeks so this my be irrelevant, if you don’t kick clear on a back roll you will often drop close to the boat and can smack that area pretty good on the gunnel of the boat, it should only hurt for a day or two though.
Suggest you visit a real doctor and get a professional diagnosis. Even the doctors on the board are not going to be able to give you an accurate diagnosis without examining you.
Thank you both for replying. I will go tomorrow but as I mentioned it is evening and I can't call it an emergency when I've been ignoring it for essentially a month and a half.

I am super cautious to have straight legs and then kick clear on back rolls so this was definitely a first. When my fin got stuck in all the junk on board the small boat, I rolled in well, but my left leg took a second longer since it was temporarily stuck. It is almost as if I stretched something or overextended that area. Since I knew how the injury occurred I figured a little ice would fix me up.

It really was unnoticeable unless something whacked it for the past month but today is when it swelled up a bit and now I keep thinking about it and touching it. It doesn't hurt on its own but more so mentally since I can feel the bump. I was sitting cross legged and it felt like something was behind my knee. I felt around and that's how I realized it was swollen.

I was just hoping someone else had a similar injury and could/would share what they were diagnosed with.

Thank you again!

I will add the diving on that particular dive was quite great. We saw a more rare Loggerhead and a large eel within a handful of minute after descending.
Thank you both for replying. I will go tomorrow but as I mentioned it is evening and I can't call it an emergency when I've been ignoring it for essentially a month and a half.

I am super cautious to have straight legs and then kick clear on back rolls so this was definitely a first. When my fin got stuck in all the junk on board the small boat, I rolled in well, but my left leg took a second longer since it was temporarily stuck. It is almost as if I stretched something or overextended that area. Since I knew how the injury occurred I figured a little ice would fix me up.

It really was unnoticeable unless something whacked it for the past month but today is when it swelled up a bit and now I keep thinking about it and touching it. It doesn't hurt on its own but more so mentally since I can feel the bump. I was sitting cross legged and it felt like something was behind my knee. I felt around and that's how I realized it was swollen.

I was just hoping someone else had a similar injury and could/would share what they were diagnosed with.

Thank you again!
The swelling changes things, sort of cancels the idea of not an emergency, I think.
The swelling changes things, sort of cancels the idea of not an emergency, I think.

Yes, that is quite true. Besides an ER being able to do an U/S or MRI right away, I will be sent to ortho is my guess. If it bothers me at all tonight I will suck it up and get it looked at tonight. My hope is tomorrow morning will suffice. I'll watch the swelling.

Thank you for being the voice of reason, you are very correct!
You might have any or a combination of the following:
1. ACL tear
2. PCL tear
3. Hamstring muscle/tendon strain/tear
4. Gastrocnemius muscle/tendon strain or tear
5. Plantaris tendon strain or tear
6. Soleus muscle/tendon strain or tear
7. Poplitial muscle/tendon strain or tear

In addition you may have damaged the meniscus on either or both sides.

You should seek the consult of an orthopedic surgeon or a doc with a sports medicine specialty to get solid diagnosis of what is wrong. Expect an MRI. And expect to start taking copius amounts of ibuprofin (motrin/advil), naproxen sodium (Naprosyn), or oxaprozin (Daypro).

Do some reading on a MCL or ACL injury ...

MCL sounds quite accurate. I'm calling docs now and we'll see who gets me in fastest. Thank you!
You might have any or a combination of the following:
1. ACL tear
2. PCL tear
3. Hamstring muscle/tendon strain/tear
4. Gastrocnemius muscle/tendon strain or tear
5. Plantaris tendon strain or tear
6. Soleus muscle/tendon strain or tear
7. Poplitial muscle/tendon strain or tear

In addition you may have damaged the meniscus on either or both sides.

You should seek the consult of an orthopedic surgeon or a doc with a sports medicine specialty to get solid diagnosis of what is wrong. Expect an MRI. And expect to start taking copius amounts of ibuprofin (motrin/advil), naproxen sodium (Naprosyn), or oxaprozin (Daypro).


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