Doesn't sound like your LDS is much into customer service either, by just telling you to get in touch with Oceanic. That's kind of throwing you to the wolves. I have seen the owner of the LDS I teach for, get on the phone for over 2 hrs arguing with the manufacturers to get them to honor the warranties on their products. I've heard him go through phone support to supervisor after supervisor, until he gets the situation resolved. That's part of being a dealer. The LDS should stand behind the products they sell, not just tell you to contact the manufacturer.
I had a Datamask for a couple of years before I sold it. Not that it was a bad product (in fact I thought it was pretty cool),... it just wasn't practicle for the type of diving I do.
I agree, when it comes to big purchases the shop should be more helpful than giving out a phone number. As consumers we should do our part , when the shop guy gives you a number you politely put it back on the counter, and inform them that you gave them money for the gear, and now you want them to make it right. Obviously you can not make them do it, the only thing you can do is make sure your money doesn't end up in their hands again. If enough people do the same, they either get the message or don't last long.
As far as the mask itself, I love mine. Has been working great for years, I don't get any discontinuity once is linked. I complained to oceanic that a mask like that one should come in a case with a better zipper, they got back to me within a couple of days and send me a new case. I still think the zipper in the case is crappy but can't complaint about the mask or their service.