Ocean Watch Roster

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Sounds like a lot of fun. How are we for cole slaw, beans, and potato salad. I'll be there for Fri night and the cleanup on sat. Can I get a scubaboard shirt in grey-XL
:) I'm not sure - I'll print out the thread later and make a list of everything and post it for a visual reference of where we stand at the moment.

Marc - have you been able to get in touch w/publix yet?
:) I'm not sure - I'll print out the thread later and make a list of everything and post it for a visual reference of where we stand at the moment.

Marc - have you been able to get in touch w/publix yet?

No - I called the one down the street from where I work yesterday, but the manager hasn't called me back. I'm going to try stopping in after work today to see if I can catch someone who can help. There's an Albertson's close too that I will try as well.

If the organizers do the same as they did last year, they'll have volunteers with drilled plastic buckets that they lower from the pier into the water to fill up with junk. A tug on the line and they haul it up to empty. We may not need too many bags.

I am thinking this might be a go for me, just need to work out accom - i have checked out the site. Does anyone need a roommate? - there will be only me and i prefer to be cheap if i can find the option anywhere! It sounds from the other thread that you guys have loaded up the cheap rooms - what are the other options (names please) in the area within a block or two?

What else is needed supply-wise?

I should be able to get there any time on friday if people are up for a night dive, or early evening dives in the area - also ditto for saturday, all day if i can (a lot of you noticed that at Ginnie) - its only shallow after all. Where is the nearest shop to fill up the tanks? Is anyone planning on diving sunday (afternoon) as well? Essentially i am down for dive, dive, dive with a little BBQ time and a little SI time with those off the board.

Will we have some kind of pavillion/cover??? Or open to the elements all day?

Also Conch t or SB t, i am about a 42-44 - probably L to XL, if you still have shears, two pairs would be nice :wink: - thanks - will bring some cash.
Jenny, I will do my best to make some salsa....it's been a strange week here, and I may not be able to dive Sat. morning, but, barring further incidence, I will try to be there, if only as a bubble watcher...this looks like too much fun to pass up!!

Simon--if you want really cheap quarters, you're welcome to crash here--spare room with extra nice pull out couch, etc. (just a bit of cat hair included) However, I warn you I am a full hour north of the party, so some drive time will be included......
Simon has brought up an excellent point - does anyone have one of those collapsible shelters?

Oh.. providing the 3x5 dive flag comes in before Friday, does anyone have something that can be used as a flag pole? If not this time, by next gathering that 3x5 flag will have a conch on it for group identification!

BTW, anyone have cowboy boots and/or hat? I'm bringing both of mine and going to put on with gear for a photo with Jenny (that she doesnt know about yet) as the Neoprene Cowboys and Gals in action! Others are welcome to join right in! Speedo's are not mandatory, but suggested :wink:
If you haven't offered to bring anything yet, check the first post, I have been adding names and items to bring, day(s) you will be there, etc...if there are changes in your status, PM me.
Colin, do I need to find my old spurs?
Speedo's are not mandatory, but suggested :wink:

I'm surprised no one's guessed who the last picture is yet. :eyebrow:

Marc the stroke
If you haven't offered to bring anything yet, check the first post, I have been adding names and items to bring, day(s) you will be there, etc...if there are changes in your status, PM me.
Colin, do I need to find my old spurs?

The more we can play it up, the more fun the pic will be.. :D

Marc - That last picture is NetDoc, everyone knows that :wink:
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