O2 cleaning question

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The only thing that needs to be done is replace the o-rings with a non patrolium base o-ring. Lubricants currently being used are all silicone based anyway. Thats it, the shop is not "cleaning" anything! I do not know what they charge but it should not be more than a standard overhaul.
The only thing that needs to be done is replace the o-rings with a non patrolium base o-ring. Lubricants currently being used are all silicone based anyway. Thats it, the shop is not "cleaning" anything! I do not know what they charge but it should not be more than a standard overhaul.

You should pull you head out of the sand! There is a LOT more to it than that. If you owrk for a dive shop I feel sorry for anyone who uses it!
Ok just so I get this straight the terms "Oxygen clean air" "non-clean gas" means that you are referring to the 21% air that the compressor pulls? Or the oxygen that is put into the tanks for Nitrox?

Oxygen clean = All hydrocarbons have been filtered out. It applies to gasses, cylinders, valves, hoses ect.

Oxygen is, by it's molecular structure, clean.

Think of hydrocarbons as a group of girls on a beach, and oxygen as the drunk 18 year old male. Put them on the same beach and things get ugly fast. :D
The only thing that needs to be done is replace the o-rings with a non patrolium base o-ring. Lubricants currently being used are all silicone based anyway. Thats it, the shop is not "cleaning" anything! I do not know what they charge but it should not be more than a standard overhaul.

:rofl3: :troll: :no:
fire_diver, I do not "owrk" for a dive shop but I do know that the only thing that will ignite oxygen on its own is contact with a petroleum based product. The amount and consistency of that product will determine how fast it will flash over. I trusted my knowledge of what worked and what did not from the perspective of living in a saturation diving system while doing a job in the North Sea. The wrong items, not just petroleum products, in that environment would have killed all hands much faster then anything you are doing with nitrox.
The only thing that needs to be done is replace the o-rings with a non patrolium base o-ring. Lubricants currently being used are all silicone based anyway. Thats it, the shop is not "cleaning" anything! I do not know what they charge but it should not be more than a standard overhaul.

Isn't christolube a non-"patrolium" product? All my regs are lubed with that stuff.

Also, a typical "oxygen cleaning" involves some time in an ultrasonic cleanser and a product like simplegreen, from my understanding.
fire_diver, I do not "owrk" for a dive shop but I do know that the only thing that will ignite oxygen on its own is contact with a petroleum based product. The amount and consistency of that product will determine how fast it will flash over. I trusted my knowledge of what worked and what did not from the perspective of living in a saturation diving system while doing a job in the North Sea. The wrong items, not just petroleum products, in that environment would have killed all hands much faster then anything you are doing with nitrox.

You are either a troll or an idiot then, because you profess to know almost nothing about the dangers of compressed oxygen.
My, my, my, ask a simple question and all hell breaks loose! I like it!:wink:
PfcAJ, I do not know the name brand Christolube but check the lable and you should find it is 100% silicone. The ultrasonic cleaner with simplegreen is used to clean corrosion off parts but has nothing to do with oxygen cleaning. I do not know what kind of fairy stories these dive shops are telling people to justify charging what they do just to change some o-rings. If you being charged anything more then the price of an overhaul you are being ripped off.

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