While blunt, I think RJack is well intentioned and has your safety in mind. You’ve escalated.
Your PADI cavern certification isn’t held in very high regard. Their allowance of instructors to self certify as cavern instructors scares the hell out of me but I don’t know who taught your class and his or her background.
While Paradise (asininely, but w their own monetary and tourist interests in mind) allows OW divers to dive there, it’s an overhead environment. If you move past the sign into the larger area at the bottom, it’s not possible to see daylight. You add a few open water divers that get in the water right after you and moonwalk down the line, visibility near the entrance goes below 20 feet quite quickly. Now, you’re in a cave as visibility has sufficiently deteriorated. There’s no guarantee that your starting vis is going to remain unchanged. Now you’re in a cave, with a deco obligation, without a verified ability to safely manage yourself (let alone be an asset to your team) in such an environment.
To throw another wrench and because you’re arguing semantics with your certs, at 90° you may have already violated your distance limits of your cert. It’s greater than a 45degree angle measured on the line which brings total distance to greater than 130’ penetration. Perhaps PADI cavern limit is further than NSS NACD etc. Happy to be corrected on that point.
Lastly, the average cavern student (let alone self certed instructors) doesn’t have the line etiquette to not get him- or herself entangled when adding things like a slung bottle or other gear.
@kensuf will chime in. I think the other reason deco isn’t allowed at cavern level (in addition to all of Tom’s and Richard’s above), is that cavern class is allowed in a single. A single is irresponsible for decompression diving and it would be a pity to allow someone on a single tank conduct deco in a cavern (that can and does turn to a cave in a few fin kicks).

R a cavern deco dive is a technical dive on a recreational cert.
How many cavern dives do you have? How many decompression dives in open water?