NYC scuba diver seeks buds

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New York
Hi all, I'm Paul, 34, in NYC...would love to find a like-mided open water bud for some simple diving around the area; Dutch Springs, shore, a good natured, reliable bud, though not advanced yet. love art, film, music. And am quite into SCUBA and the gear...:) drop a line to me at would love to hear from m or f scubaphiles and aquaphiles.
Welcome Paul. I doubt that I would be a very good buddy since we live approx. 2000 (3300 kilometers) miles apart. Nevertheless, welcome to Scuba Board! :balloon:
welcome to the board cubaeroti, there are lots of divers here from your neck of the woods
My current roommate used to dive Dutch Springs. Sorry we are far away for now, but if u r ever out here, count us in!
We were @ Dutch Springs for the first time over the weekend. Viz was very good in the morning about 25 - 30 ft. The heli is great, and the thermo @ about 27ft was surprisingly refreshing.
Why not check out

This is a very active dive club, We dive all year round.. During the summer months we have club dives planned most weekends..

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