Not So Florida

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I just finished reading Jenny's report of her dive this morning at Hollywood area, so I thought I would let ya all read about mine. :)
This morning was nice and calm and 48 degrees :) I got up and got my gear together and headed to the local resevoir. LARGE resevoir. Water temp was a balmy 56 degrees so I opted to leave off the hood. Today would be a fish ID dive. Keep it simple ( only 3 species in the resevoir ) :)
Suited up, geared up, and set the dive flag. Dropped into 20' of clear (read that 10- 12 Vis) and proceeded to find a fish. Saw 3 Rainbow trout right off heading for shallow water. At 30' found 2 Walleye talking about the wimpy trout. I can see why, the water temp fell to 50 degrees under the thermal layer. I tooled on over the most recent wreck. Car fell off the parking lot into 28" water last year. Found a hubcap, seat, and what appeared to be a tire. Not sure about the tire thing tho it was rubber but looks like a old style seat.
Cruised up to 15' to visit a lone Carp meandering thru the weeds. He was totally unsocialable.
All in all a pleasant morning, time of 52 minutes with 1000 air left. Hey I told ya it was balmy this res is fed from mountain streams with very cold water. Altitude is 5300' above sea level.
AND how was your Morning?? :wink:
Gosh, you ready to move down here now? Did I also mention the water temp was 84? I had skins on, but that is only for protection in case I accidently bump into something.
And when you move down, you can double that bottom time!
Done that 48 degree thing, and I can't say that I miss it. A bit too nipply for my taste...

Come down and try the 80/80/80 dives and you'll never go back.

Best wishes and safe ascents,
My God! Did you have your wetsuit on? It was 89 last weekend over here! It's probably going to be in the 90s next weekend.

Gosh, you ready to move down here now? Did I also mention the water temp was 84? I had skins on, but that is only for protection in case I accidently bump into something.
And when you move down, you can double that bottom time!
It's not all about fish! That 48 degree stuff in freshwater is great for preserving 1880's type shipwrecks you know. Drysuits do wonders to alleviate the cold water "cold" feeling and the bottom times can be acheived with doubles, a deco bottle and decompression diving classes. LOL

You just have to do it right!:wink:

I don't plan to move to S. Florida anytime soon. I have too much time and money invested in the above items to NOT use them now.

Oh, I can drink the water that I dive in up here when I get that drymouth from being under too long! :D
It's not all about fish!

Sure it is! You have brown fish, green fish, and brown and green speckled fish. What more do you need? :D

FLL Diver:
Sure it is! You have brown fish, green fish, and brown and green speckeld fish. What more do you need? :D

We actually have "clear" fish, white fish, and I even got a photo of a bright blue fish on a shipwreck a couple of weeks ago. Throw in that awesome 5-7 ft. vis. that I had a few nights ago on a shore dive.... and ..... you figure out why I pay charters to wreck dive instead of a bunch of shore diving like you can do, LOL.
Going to a little warmer Resevoir this weekend, Glendo is about 10-15 degrees warmer as it is about 85 miles from Alcova and feeds thru a coal fired power plant, So its catfish hunting time, great barbeques. I use a 5/3 wetsuit with a 2 mil vest, and works great but in late fall or early spring I use my 7 mil.
Yes Jenny we are making the move probably scheduled for July 05 so the Kids can get ready for college.
And I am going to be gone SOOO Much, I just showed the wife the Dive mag with Ginny Springs photes. She has been going thru all my old mags for the last couple of weeks I think she is thinking about taking OW class with my daughter this summer :)

In the mean time I just sit here and Drool over all your dive reports.

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