Not everyone thinks cave diving is the pinnacle of SCUBA!

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I don't have issues with trainings or conscientious divers.

I have issues with self-righteous divers who stick their noses in others' businesses uninvited; especially when they talk about forcibly remove people from the area. Sorry, but I don't truck with physical confrontations. I don't do it to you, so you'd best not do it to me.

We're all big boys and big girls, we all know the dangers of diving beyond our capabilities, and if we let ego/hubris/ignorance gets in the way, then that's that. Pay the ultimate price.

I'm just glad the last panicked diver I had to assist to the surface didn't have a 6" pig sticker ... because there was a lot of physical intervention required to keep him from killing himself.

He thanked me for it later ... after the panic subsided and he was able to think rationally again.

On the other hand, if it were you and I knew it, I think I'd just let you drown, since you keep telling us that's what you'd prefer ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Dude, we get it. You've made your point very clearly, if anyone touches you you'll kill us. Congratulations, you win, I am officially scared of you and definitely hope we don't cross paths.

It's a big world, I doubt that we'd cross path. And it's good to be scared. It keeps your perspectives heightened, and maybe you'd think twice before accosting other divers underwater. Who knows, that person may just be me.

---------- Post added February 25th, 2013 at 09:58 AM ----------

I'm just glad the last panicked diver I had to assist to the surface didn't have a 6" pig sticker ... because there was a lot of physical intervention required to keep him from killing himself.

He thanked me for it later ... after the panic subsided and he was able to think rationally again.

On the other hand, if it were you and I knew it, I think I'd just let you drown, since you keep telling us that's what you'd prefer ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

And these so called untrained cave divers were panicking when they were being harassed by the cave divers?

---------- Post added February 25th, 2013 at 10:01 AM ----------

Let's take this to a very current example....Yesterday a girl died on a charter boat off Miami....depth indicated was in the 30 to 40 foot range, on a boat with 40 divers ( cattleboat size group) .... Disturbing issues that many might say could have been impacted by the mindset being attacked in this thread...:
  • She was found with no mask or bc on, but still wearing weightbelt..on the bottom
  • Apparently she was not diving with a buddy, as no one knew she had a problem, no one saw her struggling and drowning.
  • Apparently she had insufficient skills to either do a mask clear, or to drop her own weight belt when it was critical for her to do so.
  • It might also be apparent that she had no bouyancy skills, or none of this should have been possible....
  • A skilled a good Cave Diver, or a good Dive Instructor, or a good DM, or just a GOOD Diver with only a basic cert--SHOULD HAVE seen a dangerously underskilled and over-tasked diver in the water, and decided to INTERVENE.

INTERVENE "could mean" just keep an eye on her in case she needed could mean buddy up with her because of your certainty that the "need" for a RESCUE would be forth coming. It could have meant signalling her to ascend, so that you could get her BC inflated, and figure out why she was so negative, and to either fix a dangerous problem, or to get the boat over and invloved in her safety.


What exactly do you mean by "intervene"? Would you approach her and maybe signaled her/write on a slate that you don't think she should be in the water? Then if she were to ignore you, are you going to drag her up to the surface and back to the boat?

What if you approached her asking to be a buddy and she didn't want you to? What are you going to do? Follow her along and wait to rescue her?

I'm sorry, but people are supposedly trained divers and they can speak up if they want your help.

Seriously, if I want your opinions about my diving techniques or equipment configurations...I'd ask. But people sticking their noses into my business uninvited...I don't take too kindly to that. And I'm sure many other people would feel the same way too.
maybe you'd think twice before accosting other divers underwater. Who knows, that person may just be me.

Tell me this Mr. Rambo-- I invite you to look over every post I've ever made on this forum or any other, and remind me where I've suggested any physical violence or altercations underwater.

This thread got underway as an attempt to prove how cave divers as a group are a bunch of jerks. At this point, you may be the creepiest person I've yet to encounter online, but I definitely don't judge open water divers as a group by your behavior.

I'm sorry you got picked on too much in school, or whatever happened. I wish you the best of luck in realizing your dream of someday stabbing someone, hopefully it will take place in prison with another consenting adult.
Tell me this Mr. Rambo-- I invite you to look over every post I've ever made on this forum or any other, and remind me where I've suggested any physical violence or altercations underwater.

Rambo ain't got nuthin' on me. I'm the real deal.

You may not have advocated physical violence or altercations underwater, but others have for the sake of "safety".

If you're not the one that manhandles people underwater, then you don't have a thing to worry about me giving you a taste of the pointy end, then, right?

This thread got underway as an attempt to prove how cave divers as a group are a bunch of jerks. At this point, you may be the creepiest person I've yet to encounter online, but I definitely don't judge open water divers as a group by your behavior.

And I certainly don't judge cave divers as a group just for the action of a few idiots who think that they own the caves or they can do whatever they want with other divers.

I'm sorry you got picked on too much in school, or whatever happened. I wish you the best of luck in realizing your dream of someday stabbing someone, hopefully it will take place in prison with another consenting adult.

I'm sorry that you can't handle open water diving and have to sneak into caves. As far as realizing my dreams, well, maybe I should make a run to the east coast to these caves and see which of you self-righteous types want to come up and cause confrontations with me underwater because I'm not a "cave trained" diver.
Rambo ain't got nuthin' on me. I'm the real deal.

As far as realizing my dreams, well, maybe I should make a run to the east coast to these caves and see which of you self-righteous types want to come up and cause confrontations with me underwater because I'm not a "cave trained" diver.

OK, I'm calling for Video Rights to this!! :D
Fnfalman, you need to give me time to plan so I can film this....We might even cut you in on the RADAR proceeds and let you have a few hundred acres on "the Island" if the Youtube numbers are big enough :D
OK, I'm calling for Video Rights to this!! :D
Fnfalman, you need to give me time to plan so I can film this....We might even cut you in on the RADAR proceeds and let you have a few hundred acres on "the Island" if the Youtube numbers are big enough :D

Hell, chip in and fly me out to these caves, I'll take a gander.

---------- Post added February 25th, 2013 at 11:12 AM ----------

fnfalman, I find it totally bizarre that you are so attracted to an internet social diving community. Just seems odd to me, that's all...

That's because I have no real life, only 14-years-old and still lives in my mommy's basement.
Hell, chip in and fly me out to these caves, I'll take a gander.

---------- Post added February 25th, 2013 at 11:12 AM ----------

To make the video a big hit, I think you need get the Cave Community here on Scubaboard to pay for this..... :)
Good Luck !
I think the entire idea behind physical intervention is for those who aren't diving safe. I'm going to guess 10% of divers did not receive proper training and who do not know better. Even greater if you start adding up people who forget learned skills. Given Scuba diving is unlike a lot of other activities it's hard to learn every aspect with it without putting your trust in an instructor who will pass on 100% of everything you need to know to live. At that point, you don't know better to ask the appropriate questions. The passing of the lady on the boat dive is a great example. Do you think she knew better that if she took her only form of buoyancy off while she still wore her weight belt that she would sink like a rock the instant she let go, even if to pass it from one hand to the next? She may or may not have known how to release the weight belt, been able to see, whatever. This all can add to panic and make people do irrational things, that doesn't mean they deserve to die and is part to the reason the buddy system exists. You keep each other in check in times of lapses to preserve life.

@fnfalman it might be more efficient to put "I will stab anyone who touches me" in your sig just so you don't have to make another 4400 posts about it and how apathetic you are to life. See a therapist dude, an impulse to stab isn't the social norm.

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