Well, that is very 15th century of you. how does a country with 10% of the population, no nuclear weapons pose an existential threat to Russia? If it weren't for massive international aid, Ukraine would not even be able to protect itself, much less hurt Russia. Would Ukraine have been able to get western arms to invade Russia?Of course they do. If countries achieve their security through wars, then there should be no exceptions.
1992-1993 – Russia occupied Transnistria
1992-1993 – Russia provoked the Abkhazian war
1994-1996 – first Russian-Chechen war
1999-2009 – second Russian-Chechen war
2008 – Russian-Georgian war
2015-2022 – Russia’s invasion of Syria
2014-2022 – Russian-Ukrainian war
And that doesn't even include all the counties it invaded to maintain the Soviet Union, often against its own "allies"- Iran (1941–1946) ...
- Hungary (1944–1991) ...
- Romania (1944–1958) ...
- Bulgaria (1944–1947) ...
- Czechoslovakia (1944–1945) ...
- Northern Norway (1944–1946) and Bornholm, Denmark (1945–1946) ...
- Eastern Germany (1945–1949) ...
- Austria (1945–1955)
- Hungary 1956
- Czechoslovakia 1968
- Afghanistan 1979
and don't forget the two winter wars against Finland.