Sure, they voted out because they were promised prosperity. The slogan of the day was "Enough of feeding Moscow!" They had no clue they'd end up feeding their own brand of oligarchs. And then the Western Ukrainians began to take their daily life over, refusing to grant Russian language any room. So the central government refused to grant any autonomy for Crimea and the Eastern districts that are predominantly Russian speaking and this eventually lead to break-up of the country. I understand why California is friendly to Spanish language but if Californians were forced to use Spanish in all documents and to speak Spanish only in places like McDonald's and public libraries, you'll get a riot.
As for the hunger of the 1932-3, this was not a "genocide" because the South of Russia also suffered, in the Kuban', Rostov and Stavropol area where about 20% of the excessive deaths were encountered, by estimates.