Nehallenia:I certainly agree with much of what you have said here; however your remark about not knowing how to compromise and "you are probably single" rankled somewhat. See my post in Single Divers - I was married for a long time, and did a lot of compromising. If you have a healthy relationship, good for you. My comment was about what I have observed locally, with a few people who are very commited to diving paired with people who truly have NO INTEREST in diving. I think I have picked up signs that these relationships are not healthy, and that likely has nothing to do with diving.
I am not passing up any terrific people for any reason - I have however passed up people who are self-centred, full of rage, extremely judgemental, or whom I just don't find sexually attractive no matter how hard I try (and sex is important to me, so chemistry is important).
Diving is very intimate, expensive, requires a lot of time and commitment - and draws a certain type of person. This leads me to believe that if your partner is not at all interested in diving, you have some very significant differences. Just my .02psi I guess.
I did not say that YOU wouldn't or didn't know how to compromise but it seems that your ex couldn't or wouldn't or whatever and he is now single, unfortunately you happened to be the other half of it so I think the statement I made is sort of an odd way. The statement you made sounded to me like if the person didn't dive than you wouldn't want anything to do with them. Maybe I misunderstood what you were trying to say?
You say "significant differences" but it seems to me that you are basing this all on diving. If the only differences two people have are say, one likes to dive and the other likes to do crafts, well that's not very significant in my books at all, there could be so much more that they do have in common that it's actually insignificant. I also think that it's very important and even neccessary that the two people have your OWN thing to do and hopefully, the two people grow so old that the only thing they'll end up having in common is drooling and holding hands.
I didn't mean to offend you so if I did..................sorry.