Non diving Girlfriend

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Hello, I am new to Scubaboard so if this thread has been done before, I apologise.

My girlfriend doesn't dive but I do, so it means I go on diving holidays without her. I would love for her to learn to dive so we could dive together,but there is one problem.........she is afraid of the water. She is not afraid of drowing etc but what is in the sea! I have little hope I hear you say, I won't ever pressurise her into trying ,the desire must come from her. Has anybody got any advice for me or can relate to this issue with a non diving partner.

I know what you mean. My wife doesn't dive either. She hardly swims, kinda funny her being born in the Philippine islands.We still vacation together, and I still dive. What we try to do is bring one of her girl friends along to keep her company when I'm diving. And just think, then you have the company of two woman when not diving.
Yeah a good idea, she has a friend and when they get together they go shopping. Ooooo maybe thats a bad idea!
my wife doesn't dive either, but we still vacation together. she understands that
mornings are my dive time, and i get two or three nights for night dives. the rest
of the time, is "ours" and we do a bunch of stuff together, including snorkeling.

it's a blast.

i would suggest you still take your vacations together if she finds this appealing. just
make sure you both understand what the "plan" is.
My wife has no interest in diving but we can still go on trips together, watch the pocket book, shopping trips cost more than diving! Why don't you try a little snorkeling together and see if she develops an interest? If not don't push it.
Thank you for the advice guys.
Ummmm - had to check at the top to make sure this is Women's Views . . . . Yeah, it is, OK.
Having a fun alternative for her while you dive is a great idea, maybe she likes to ride horses or bike? Even a painting class, or a historical or biology tour of your vacation spot, something else she can do just for fun for herself?

As for her being afraid of the water, I am living proof that can be overcome! And SCUBA helped me do it. I am a lousy swimmer (skinny people SINK), always afraid of deep water (what's down there???), and never jumped into water anywhere for any reason until I jumped off a wharf (10 foot drop) for my checkout dive. I am more confident around water even when NOT diving now - I know what's down there, I know I can handle being submerged even without my dive gear, and I can cope with being underwater longer than before I learned to dive (doing reg recovery taught me I am not going to drown the instant I don't have an air supply).

Divers telling me about all the wonderful things they saw and did underwater inspired me to try this wonderful sport for myself - get your dive buddies to do a sales job, get her into a try-a-tank somewhere safe and comfortable, and you just might convert her! Good luck.
No problem guys ...... my wife and I went on a trip to Mexico a few years back. She went shopping and I went diving on a local charter boat. Wife met me back at the docks as we unloaded the boat. My wife noticed that this really great looking girl and I had struck up a friendship while on the boat (and i do mean really a great looking ... tall, shapely and almost no swimsuit ). "Who was that ? " my wife wanted to know. I explained that since she didn't dive I needed a buddy to partner up with and we had gone down several times together while on the boat ............. well my wife enrolled in a scuba class as soon as we got back to Texas and has been my diving buddy ever since.
Stop complaining! I am the only one in my ENTIRE FAMILY that dives. and im a kid, so i dont even get to go on diving vacations!

:whatever: men :headshake
I kinda look at my GF not diving as a blessing...we all need our time alone. I get to go with the guys for a dive and she goes where ever.
We did a cruise earlier this year and I said I was diving here and here and she planned what she wanted to do. Of course we did have OUR time also.
The owner of the LDS has been after her to start taking dive lessons. I told him if she started diving that I was going to drown him in the deepest quarry that I could find...he understood since his wife doesn't dive either.
I know of one guy that takes his wife with him on the boat but she doesn't dive. Some places will allow this some won't.

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