....some admit they feel that being certified in solo and cave separately is enough training for them to dive safely alone in overhead environments without that specialized course.....
Many feel that being certified CAVE is enough traning for them to dive safely alone in overhead environments without that specialized course. A buddy in a cave is predominantly a worry. If I'm solo, I don't have to keep track of anybody's light. I don't have to keep track of their gas, the pace of their swimming, their navigational decisions, I don't have to worry about my buddy freaking out. Overall, it's much less stress to dive a cave solo than it is with a buddy, imho. I enjoy the cave less if I'm solo, though. I like experiencing it with a buddy (and with his primary

A Strong Diving Partner Philosophy. The NACD strongly advocates diving with a partner as the best approach to safe cave diving. This system is one, which unites two or more individuals into an effective dive team. A partner is a member of a team who, in case of emergency, provides both emergency equipment, and the emergency gas supply. The divers must recognize individual strengths and weaknesses, create an attitude of mutual trust and honesty, and avoid personality differences to maximize team safety.
This is what you posted from NACD, right? Is it right off of their website? Their book states that diving in a cave solo is up to the Full Cave diver. This blurb also doesn't explicitly prohibit or denegrate any solo dives. It may discourage it, openly on their website, but they do say the final choice is up to you.
Any good tech course will teach you how to complete a dive solo.....I'd bet even GUE teaches it, and they're the grand-daddy-masters of team diving. I know that I was taught that I had better NEVER be on a dive that I couldn't accomplish solo, and my training was focused on that exact philosophy. I know exactly what to do in case a buddy has an issue, and I know exactly what to do if a buddy gets sucked into a blackhole, never to be seen again....no matter what issue I have.
In the OP, you posted that you asked about solo diving in an overhead and posted a picture of a diver in an overhead, solo. The picture seemed to be what you were asking [-]permission for[/-] about. It seems pretty clear that the diver has little or no tech/overhead experience, and as such, puts him in a drastically different category of diver than what is being discussed now. A Full Cave diver has the training for overhead. A Cave or Deco diver has been trained beyond Solo/Self-Sufficient recreational courses in terms of self-rescue and solo ability. A rec-only diver diving in an overhead isn't good. One doing so solo, is worse. Seemingly without the proper gear, much worse. A Full Cave diver deciding to dive solo in a cave, with the proper equipment and mindset, is a vastly different story.
---------- Post added January 31st, 2014 at 08:31 AM ----------
various training agencies on diving solo in overhead environments.
Most agencies have the same belief as the NACD: "Buddy is good. Solo is fine, if you choose to dive solo....but it's on you."