gangrel441:No argument here...except...would you have grabbed the new diver and made the ascent, or would you have tried getting the to the new diver (which one would have to do anyways), signaling an ascent, and beginning the ascent with physical contact? I would say that to take the ascent out of the hands of the new diver may well be putting the new diver at unnecessary risk.
I might have grabbed the new diver initially to assure that she understood the thumbs up signal and started up immediately with no dallying...but I don't believe I would've "yanked" her all the way to the surface -- as you say, beginning the ascent with physical contact, but not taking the entire ascent out of her control.
But again...this is Monday morning quarterbacking...while contructive in terms of thinking through "What would *I* do as a DM under these circumstances?," it's still helpful to remember that we are all thinking about this while not actually *in* the undoubtably stressful situation of a night dive with a new diver with almost no night dive experience, a diver who's having trouble breathing and another person who's off taking pictures and not paying attention. Let's use this to think through what we'd do (and take what we'd do and change what we wouldn't), but not to beat the DM about the head and shoulders - especially since s/he isn't here to say what s/he was thinking....