Yes, that one study supports the hypothesis, but the other two do not. So the "research" is not conclusive. You can't just quote that third study if you like the hypothesis, not just quote the second one if you don't. That's called cherry-picking. The first study appears to be disowned by its first author.....who by the way is of recent fame as one of the Thai cave rescuers...the one who stayed in the cave and administered the sedatives to the biys and their coach.In the third study, which seems more rigorous and is statistically significant, why do you feel this study doesn't support the proposition that nitrox reduces fatigue? (or at least the feeling of fatigue).
Are VAS and CFFF flakey measuring tools?
I have no information on the various measures of "fatigue" nor how they correlate with what you and I might call fatigue. Which seems kind of important!