Did I miss something here or what?
A certain training agency states in the tech manual that:
"Oxygen is twice as soluable as nittrogen; suggesting thatit is potentially more narcotic than nitrogren. This is offset somewhat by you body metabolizing oxygen however, so it doesn't appear to be nessasary to raise you END with enriched air compared to air"
Then this same agency in the SCR rebreather instructor outline states: "...higher than planned oxygen consumption will elevate nitrogen, creating more potential nitrogen narcosis at a given depth."
Is this a contradiction? Maybe I'm narked
A certain training agency states in the tech manual that:
"Oxygen is twice as soluable as nittrogen; suggesting thatit is potentially more narcotic than nitrogren. This is offset somewhat by you body metabolizing oxygen however, so it doesn't appear to be nessasary to raise you END with enriched air compared to air"
Then this same agency in the SCR rebreather instructor outline states: "...higher than planned oxygen consumption will elevate nitrogen, creating more potential nitrogen narcosis at a given depth."
Is this a contradiction? Maybe I'm narked
