No one said they "Don't" get narc'd... It's at what depth does it start to show and how it effects the person....
The problem is (and this is what many fail to appreciate) that the 'noticeable' signs and symptoms of narcosis are just the tip of the iceberg.
The truly debilitating effect is that you just don't mentally process as much information. What you see with your eyes, doesn't reach your brain. Your mind doesn't see the connections it should, doesn't see solutions it'd normally see.
This effect is rarely 'noticeable' - the individual will be ignorant and unaware of their Impairment.
I've seen very narc'd divers who were oblivious to it...and would deny it absolutely afterwards. I've seen divers mystified at silly mistakes they've made at depth, but still adamant they weren't narc'd.
Everyone keeps believing that if they don't feel 'drunk' or 'high', then they're not narc'd. It's a dangerous misunderstanding to have.