There appears to be ample info both at DAN and this forum to dispell concerns about increased risk of DCS in women divers.
I have not been able to find any info regarding women and nitrgen narcosis. I was told by my instructor (a male, and some years ago I might add) that women can be more susseptable to (feel effects earlier) nitrogen narcosis during their menstrual cycle.
Is there any data that supports or dispells this?
I am a diving instructor, and this is not a troll, but an honest inquirie for peronal and proffessional knowledge. This is not intended to be a sexist remark, nor to belittle or demean women in any way.
I have not been able to find any info regarding women and nitrgen narcosis. I was told by my instructor (a male, and some years ago I might add) that women can be more susseptable to (feel effects earlier) nitrogen narcosis during their menstrual cycle.
Is there any data that supports or dispells this?
I am a diving instructor, and this is not a troll, but an honest inquirie for peronal and proffessional knowledge. This is not intended to be a sexist remark, nor to belittle or demean women in any way.