Newbie from Texas

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Hi, from a Texas schoolteacher! I'm brand new to this sport, in fact- I will complete my open water dives in two weeks, so I'm not even officially certified yet! But, what I lack in experience, I make up for in ...uh, excitement? Probably the best way to introduce myself is to paste a copy of my first post I put on the women's board. A poster had asked how to get his gf interested in diving, and this is my reply:

"I loved to snorkel, but it was really scary to me to think about going down deep... chances are, that's what she's thinking in the back of her mind. Then, I went on a dive trip with my husband (PADI cert) and some other family members (in the carribbean last summer) and snorkeled above them while they dove. I really started getting a yearning to be down there with them! Then, when we returned from the trip and saw the awesome video that the dive shop had made of their dive (all set to music, it looked like something out of Discovery Channel!), I decided that I was going to have to go do that, SOMEDAY...

Well, I started classes about a month after returning home. I was bad. I mean, really bad. I panicked if water got in my mask, etc- had a lot of trouble clearing my mask properly. I also was fitted with a reg that wasn't working efficiently (found out later when my husband used it to help on some checkout dives). I REALLY wanted to dive, though! To make a long story short, these are the highlights: I cried, quit, came back, cried, changed instructors (other one had to move), wanted to quit, wanted to cry... then one night, in the deep end, I looked around and suddenly had this euphoria surge through me- I was DIVING and I was loving it! Finally!!! Since then, I've had a new confidence and look so forward to my classes. I will finally certify open water in a couple of weeks, when I go do my checkout dives. Then the following week, we leave for our 25th wedding anniversary blowout- a cruise to Roatan, Belize, Cancun & Cozumel. Can't wait to go dive there!!!

I'm sure all you instructors out there are happy that you didn't have me on your hands :) But I am really proud of myself that I didn't let my "issues" keep me from diving, and I'm looking forward to learning more about this great sport, and plan to get my advanced open water, next. Also, if anyone needs encouragement, I will be glad to help them, including your gf. Oh by the way, this is my first ever post...
Glad to be here!

Well, that about sums it up- I have been reading your board for a few weeks now, and plan to continue learning from you- thanks for welcoming me into this awesome group. You people have sooo much knowledge, I love it! Thanks again,
I was going to post a pic of my husband and myself on my profile, but I can't seem to figure out the "pixel" part... I have Photoimpression- if anyone can help me with info about how to change an existing pic to the proper size for this website (150 x 150 pixel limit), I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance!
What general area of Texas are you from? There are Swampers all over the state, so you should not have any problem meeting and diving with us. We would be more than happy to buddy-up with you wherever you might be diving. Just give us a shout out and we will come running...

BTW, my mom was a schoolteacher for 36 years here in North Texas, so I have a special appreciation for them. What do you teach?

I was going to post a pic of my husband and myself on my profile, but I can't seem to figure out the "pixel" part... I have Photoimpression- if anyone can help me with info about how to change an existing pic to the proper size for this website (150 x 150 pixel limit), I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance!

The best one to ask for that is Dee...she helped me with mine. She can advise you on what you need to do, or maybe even size it for you (like she did with mine).

Hope this helps...
Hi ScubaTexan! Thanks for the welcome, and especially for the diving invites- I'm impressed that you're okay to take on a newbie! (Especially one with my background). Haha. We're in NE Texas, close to Sulphur Springs. That puts us about an hour from Terrell, and about the same from Athens- which we would like to dive both of them soon. Have you been there? We're close to Lake Hawkins and Tyler State Park also. We would like to dive some of the local lakes this spring. Do you have any others that you like? Thanks again,
And welcome to Scuba Board :happywave a great place to chat, learn, compare, argue, etc.

Got a kick out of your personal story; thanks so much for sharing it with us. Moving from snorkel & free diving to Scuba was too easy for me - that I have a difficult time being understanding when people have difficulities. I tend to think: "It's only water?! Just don't drown!!" I may may have to forward your story to friends from time to time.

For best results, put us in Favorites of your :crush: computer, and check in often. Hope to learn from you...

Check the "group" section of the board for the Texas Swamp Divers,we're always looking for people to join us in the local lakes and ditches. Also, go to for some excellent local diving in Terrell. If you want to see some people with no sense, head out there on Jan1st for the "Polar Bear Dive." The boards full of great people and great advice....have fun!

We're in NE Texas, close to Sulphur Springs. That puts us about an hour from Terrell, and about the same from Athens- which we would like to dive both of them soon. Have you been there?

Yes, Clear Springs is the main diving lake for the Northern Swampers, and Athens is also fairly popular. You'll usually find one or more of us at CSSP almost every weekend from mid-Spring to late-Fall. Like they said, just keep an eye on the Swampers' board and feel free to join us when you can.
Welcome to diving, Foo! I'm not familiar with your photo program but if you'll email me at aquaflash317 AT AOL DOT com I'll be glad to size your photo for you.

Don't forget to check out the Texas Swamp Divers Forum. It's where we keep track of each other, plan our get togethers, our little 'home on the web'. Soon we'll have our own website and calendar to make things even easier.

Hope to see you around a lake somewhere!

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