New York Bombings

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Thanks for the update in DC. I'm also praying for everyone there and in PA.
Pete(Netdoc) I agree with you 100%. My youngest son,(13) came home from school and I was home too. He said,"Mom I don't think I want to go on a plane ever again." After a long talk with him, I told him if we all say that, we let them win. We can't let 'them' win by scaring us and our children this way. By himself, he went and got our American flag, worked it down to the half point, and put it out on our flag pole. It will fly there until justice is done.

I was not indicating how you personally anyone should be feeling about this event. Certainly all reasonable individuals will feel sadness, anger, rage, terror, hatred or whatever other feelings anyone can think of. My point(which I obviously didn't put forth properly) was that any future response to this event cannot be based in any kind of emotion. The response needs to be a well calculated, coldhearted,ruthless massive military obliteration of any and all who participated or feel great joy that this has happened. When the deed is done there should be no remorse, no joy, no nothing in the way of emotions. The proper actions taken in the proper manner will show others interested in killing Americans for the sole purpose of killing Americans that they will be punished severely no fuss, no muss about it.

My comments are and were meant to be taken in a global context since people from all over the world participate here in good faith and goodwill regardless of where we come from. I just wish all the politico's around the world could do the same.

My apologies though are specific to anyone I upset and are sincere and heartfelt from the depths of my soul. If I could retract that offending post so that it never went out I would. I am truly sorry.

My son and I did the same thing last night... Got the flag out and he and I put it to half mast. The neighbor next door saw us, and said he was going out to buy one too. Its time for all of us in the USA to stand together.
Originally posted by Se7en

And what if you are wrong? If 10 000 Afganistan people are killed, only to discover it was another group (I will not even speculate on the possibilities). Wouldn't that make all of the rest of the world as guilty as the people responsible for this attack?


I disagree, Afghanistan has been hiding Ben Lauden for quite some time. He has been charge with crimes against America already even before this. Any country willing to hide terrorists ARE terrorists. So they are not innocent.

Somehow people who think the way terrorists do need to be gotten rid of. In a world where the threat of total annihalation is a possibility with the weapons we have, we cannot have people with causes that are willing to kill thousands to make a point.

Their death will only help to make the world a better place, not only for Americans, but for everyone.

Those men that hijacked those planes were probably fathers, brothers and sons. They died because their minds had been bent to the stupidity of terrorists like ben lauden. Do you think he greives for them? NOT, he applauds their death, but do the mothers, wives and children think the same?

The attack on Pearl Harbor was at least a military target, these people chose non-military targets. They are dispicable excuses for human beings and should all be put to death immediately!

So should Kodaffy(sp) and Hussein(sp) and all of those f-ing bastards cheering at what happened!

What can one say at a time like this? On one hand I want justice and at least a little vengence. On the other hand, I want the violence to stop.

We finally got word late yesterday that everyone from our firm's NY sales office located on the 93rd floor of 2 World Trade Center is OK. We got word early that everyone was accounted for except one person and were fearing the worst......we finally heard from him late yesterday -- SAFE AND SOUND!

My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families.
Large Diver,

I am glad to hear they are all okay. At this time any good news is a good thing. I have read stories of them rescuing people. Lets hope they keep finding them alive!

Originally posted by Liquid
A few minuets ago, I saw a blood request for o-type blood that would be sent to the US as soon as it can get cleared for landing, same goes for the rescue teams.

A national mourning day (I don't know the english correct word) is declared for tomorrow and all flags will be lowered to half mast.

Feelings here are really bad, as the US has always was our greatest friend.


Thank you. I have always valued our friendship with Israel. I know I speak for all of America when I say I appreciate your countrymen's sypathy and offered assistance.

For those of you who have lost friends and family I am more sorry than words can express. It is time for all Americans to put aside petty differences and band together, and I know that we will do just that.
Thanks for that post. I meant to say something about what Liquid wrote too, and you said it for me.

JBD, you can edit what you wrote by clicking on the bottom part of your post. It says "edit" and you can take out or add anything you wrote. If it doesn't work for you, one of the moderaters can do it. Although, I'm sure Mario has not taken your words in a way you should worry about.

We were all very upset yesterday, and emotions were high.
Sadly, I still feel it all today, but I also think it's a good thing. I don't want the anger to leave until things are square, and justice is done. From all these posts it sounds like the whole world feels the same.

Dive the World,

PS Thanks to everyone for all your words of encourgement. It brings a smile to my face to be able to know all sides of the globe are with us, when I read your posts.
Call is out for blood (especially Type O) and the clinics cannot keep up with the influx of donors in Toronto.

Toronto's two major trauma centres are ready to accept casualities, specifically burn and crush victims.

Most churches are having Prayer vigils.

3,000 homes offered free Room & Board to inflight passengers who were forced to land at Toronto International

50 Toronto Paramedics are ready to go. They may go to Upper NY state to allow those there to go the NYC, or they may go themselves

I wish we could do more. All of the victims, families, and emergency services are in our thoughts still. The front page of the Toronto Sun was a picture of the second crash and one word "BASTARDS"

Originally posted by Ontario Diver
Call is out for blood (especially Type O) and the clinics cannot keep up with the influx of donors in Toronto.

Toronto's two major trauma centres are ready to accept casualities, specifically burn and crush victims.

Most churches are having Prayer vigils.

3,000 homes offered free Room & Board to inflight passengers who were forced to land at Toronto International

50 Toronto Paramedics are ready to go. They may go to Upper NY state to allow those there to go the NYC, or they may go themselves

I wish we could do more. All of the victims, families, and emergency services are in our thoughts still. The front page of the Toronto Sun was a picture of the second crash and one word "BASTARDS"

What a comfort to know we can always count on our Canadian friends. Looks like your countryment are selflessly doing everything they can to help. On behalf of my countrymen, thank you.

Also, Keilidh, thank you for your kind words. It's good to know that the world is filled with caring people in every country. You are so far away from us and yet you took the time to offer comforting words.

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