Welcome to ScubaBoard, and I hope you enjoy diving.
I know this might take you by surprise, but you're not the first new diver to sign onto the board and be looking for advice regarding equipment!
Two bits of advice I'd offer would be these: first, don't purchase equipment (beyond mask, fins, snorkel, boots) until after your courses. Using the rental equipment from ScubaVentures offers you a chance to try different items for fit, comfort, etc.
Second, a good relationship with a local dive shop (LDS) that you trust will likely pay benefits in the future. You will certainly be able to purchase equipment less expensively on the internet. Before you do so, remember that you must take this equipment to your LDS for annual maintenance, repair, etc. - and they will know you did not purchase it from them. Prices on their other services, air fills, etc. might reflect that knowledge. Weigh the cost of local goodwill before you determine what you want by trying things on at your LDS, then purchasing multiple sets of gear off the internet, then taking it all into your LDS to have them help you when this or that doesn't work exactly as you'd expected. Your LDS will have no sense of humor whatever about this.
Finally the archives are full of threads regarding equipment. There is a command-bar right below where it says "Welcome, RonaldGoat" at the top of this page. The third button from the right is "Search". Click on it, then click on advanced search. You will be able to enter names of equipment items, etc., or simply browse the forums, to find many threads related to gear items in the archives.
Have fun diving with your sons.