10 years down the road most of this will be as useful as cuff dumps.
I have cuff dumps....sitting on a shelf in my garage.
2 big issues I have is the upside down inflator hose and the compression factor.
Jill Heinerth just released a series of posts describing an indcident she had not long ago where the upside down inflator was a major problem. As a result she does not recommend that configuration. I know that her incident was in a cave and this is supposed to be an OW rig but one of the attractions to DIR is that a single tank OW configuration is pretty much the same as a double tank configuration. This wing does not offer that advantage.
Also for the wing to dump in a vertical orientation and also to provide 40 lbs of lift in such a small package there has to compression in the wing material. Which brings up the same drawback as bungeed wings in that a puncture can force air out of the hole no matter where it is.
And quite frankly I like to be able to shift the air in my wings. If I'm carrying something heavy on one side, I can balance it out by shifting air to the other.
However it would be interesting to try this out.