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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Hi everyone - another newbie!

Just wish I had taken a look around more first and got myself a silly name - but I'm sure that the usal ones applied to me and my diving would all be taken!!!

I've been diving for just over 2 years mainly in the UK and Red Sea (for holidays) but am now based in Tokyo so I am looking forward to exploring the Pacific / SE Asia.

Off to Guam next month as an introduction and get my head wet for the first time in 3 months. But now my gear has finally arrived I will be out and about again - so anyone looking for a dive buddy from the Tokyo area let me know.

Also any suggestions on Pacific/ SE Asia dive locations greatly received.

Bet you haven't gotten this reply before, welcome from Prineville, Oregon. Yes people do dive hundreds of miles from the ocean and above 3000 feet in elevation! It is cold, but fun!

Later, Hawk.
(That was for the Texans on the board..)

Anyway - welcome a-board from sunny central Ohio!!!

This is a great place to lurk & learn!
Welcome Jonathan.................They are all right this is the best board on the net, without a doubt. Glad to know another "Wethead" :bounce: Butch :cold:
Hi Johnathon looks like you have headed for better climes 4 yr diving...
have a thought for us back here in the UK!
Welcome (although this is my new place too!)

(she of little imagination in the names department also!...

Ogenki desuka? To-kyo- no seikatsu wa do- desuka? And if you did not understand that, you will before long! Howdy from California and welcome to the Best of Boards!

And if you want a classy name, "Joewr" is for sale! Could not be classier than that! But, if that is not to your taste, stick around, one will pop up!

And please tell us all about your dives. There are some Board denizens who reside in that neck of the woods (water?) and they have a real bead on the diving there. Oh yes, Micronesia is just around the corner from you--and that is a diver's paradise!

Jonathan, I personally like using my real name, I don't get so confused that way :). Welcome from Melbourne, Florida.

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