I love my personal compressor. It cost me more initially than I thought, but because of it I dive way more than I ever would have before.
For me, I also took on doing my own tank cleanings and VIP's, so less money spent there as well.
And as a huge bonus if a dive gets blown out my self filled nitrox tanks that would have cost me ~ $60 now only cost me ~ $5 and the same amount of time it would have taken me to drive round trip to the dive shop (twice for overnight).
My initial cost was $2400. Then $1000 for fittings and misc, and now I'm about $4000 after a fresh rebuild and filters.
Read this and get a good understanding of it and what is supposed to be plumbed where and why it's there. Run the compressor in cooler temps vs hotter to save filter life.
High Pressure Breathing Air Compressor Filtration System Design author:- Stephen E Burton BSc(hons) C.Eng, MIET - Email to:- scubaengineer@gmail.com
I also have bought many fittings from August Industries. They used to have sales before covid, but I haven't seen any lately. Admittedly I also haven't looked either.
You're ahead of the curve for a compressor with what looks like decent filtration for $174! I'm not sure that I've broken even yet, but my dive count has gone way up for the same money I would have spent for less dives without a compressor. That seems worth it to me. And the convience is outstanding.