New Shearwater Dive Computer - 2024!

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Are the Shearwater dive computers prone to flooding? (Perdix and the other look alike).

They are the most respected dive computers we use and they wouldn't be respected if they leaked.
So you haven't heard of one flooding?

You interpreted the post too literally. Either intentionally or due to ignorance.

In the unlikely case it was the latter, add the word "regularly" to the end of post in question.

I hope that clarifies things for you.
Are the Shearwater dive computers prone to flooding? (Perdix and the other look alike).
The Shearwater computers are not known to leak as a general rule. That being said, the computers like the Perdix, which has a replaceable battery, has the potential to leak from the battery compartment end cap if not installed or maintained properly. Most other brands of dive computers with replaceable batteries are much more likely to flood as they require removing the back of the computer to get to the battery compartment. Great care must be taken to get everything back in place to insure that they are sealed tightly to prevent leakage.

The newer Shearwater models, the Teric, Tern, and Peregrine all have rechargeable batteries, are sealed and the probability that one of them will leaked is infinitesimally small. The computer housing would have to have a severe amount of damage to it to make it flood.
Everything can leak if you're not careful. When you have a £$€1k+ dive computer you will take care of it which includes cleaning the O-ring and 'hole' and lightly greasing it.

Perdix/Petrel batteries last a long time especially using a SAFT battery, like a whole season.

Shearwater computers do suffer problems, but flooding battery compartments unless through user error is not one of them.
Are the Shearwater dive computers prone to flooding? (Perdix and the other look alike).
I bought my Peregrine specifically because of flooding. Peregrines have induction chargers. Rather than opening the battery charger or a port. I put the computer on my desk light, which a built in induction charger. You can't flood a something you never have to open.

I had to replace a flooded $400 computer after only one season because of a flood. All the nice features of the Shearwater computers are great, but never having to worry about some idiot (myself or others) not sealing a battery compartment properly was the killer app. If it floods, it is a factory issue and Shearwater has a great customer service reputation.

I am not sure about the other shearwater products, but you'll never have to swap the battery.
I am looking for a comparison sheet between the different Shearwater wrist computers Peregrine x Perdix 2 x Petrel, can anyone point me in the right direction?
I suppose the Peregrine could flood if it exceeded its rated depth. But being that it is factory sealed and the battery is rechargeable via only wireless charging it seems highly unlikely.

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