New servers and a new IT team...

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The Chairman

Chairman of the Board
Reaction score
Cave Country!
# of dives
I just don't log dives
As many have noticed recently: WE ARE NOT DOWN! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We made our move to our new home this past Wednesday (8/24/06). We switched to our new server about 10 am that morning, thereby leaving the incompetence of "The Planet" forever. Our server has yet to show any signs of needing to be restarted and other than suspending the board for a few minutes while we did a tweak here or there, we have been utterly STABLE. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What's next? Well, first on our list is the photogallery. This will occur after we deal with some minor issues/tweaks on our data server and that will hopefully happen soon. Once we are confident with that being stable, we will start to turn on other features one at a time just to make sure that they do not cause any instabilities in the system. It's tempting just to turn everything on all at once and see what happens, but hey: I have become a little gun shy here! :D

I would like to introduce our new SB Wizard: FloridaCaveDiver. Please, don't overwhelm him with PMs about what is wrong with the board. I will be creating a new thread to discuss bugs and such that are noticed after today.

To those of you who have stuck with us or joined us during out tumultuous times:
For those who have left, we hope you come back and visit us soon! The place just won't be the same without you!
Great news Doc!

Other than a database error the other day everything has been smooth
sailing on this side. It will be GREAT to get all the functionality back!

Now if Bellsouth would quit dropping packets on me I would be in 7th heaven!!!
Great Job Doc and team. When you get the Photo Gallery up, would you please post instructions on how to go about cleaning out old pic's so we can free up space?

Sorry... there will be no need to "Clear up" any space. The new servers are HUGE. almost a half of a terrabyte in storage capacity per server. However, if you don't like a particular picture, we will still give you ultimate control over what you have up there.
It looks you guys are doing co-location now - is that true? I am glad to see the planet is no longer graced with your business, working in the server / hosting industry I can tell you they are one of the worst providers out there.
Are you using RAID controllers to protect the data? I work at Adaptec over by UCF and could probably find a few controllers to donate to such a worthy cause.
good job so far, and best of continued luck!
Sorry... there will be no need to "Clear up" any space. The new servers are HUGE. almost a half of a terrabyte in storage capacity per server. However, if you don't like a particular picture, we will still give you ultimate control over what you have up there.
I had to look that one up. Is it Terabyte with one r?
1,099,511,627,776 bytes = 10244 or 240. (This capacity may be expressed unambiguously as a tebibyte.)

Okay, so 1024 bytes is a Kb
1024 Kb is a Mb
1024 Mb is a Gb
1024 Gb is a Tb...? Wow :11:

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