no, just commenting that holding those cards has minimal bearing on your qualifications to judge regulators. You clearly have not taken them apart next to each other, and you clearly have no actual expert opinions on the matter that truly qualify you to judge them, otherwise you would not have that opinion. If your opinion was "I don't want to support the cheap manufacturing, potential exploitation, etc etc that goes on in Asia so I choose to spend money locally" then fine, but saying you won't judge something that is made by a computer *because yes, all regulators are made by computers, not by hand*, because the computer is located in Taiwan instead of Europe is just plain ignorant and racist. I'm sorry, but you really are not qualified to go out and say you aren't going to trust regulators that are built and designed by engineers to equal if not higher quality than other regulators on the market *yes, the chrome plating on the regulators in ODS is in fact higher quality than that used by Apeks which has been proven time and time again in the caves*, just because they are built in Taiwan.