Tim Greaves
rjack321:Earlier its was the mk25 you won't rely on with your life. Please describe the 1st and 2nd stage models you've used/mated, the problems you've had, and their root causes. Please include water type, depths, temperatures, and gases used if the problems occurred UW. Please be detailed. "I've had problems and would never buy one" isn't very illuminating.
Skip the heresay, I'd like to hear your personal experiences. Point your friends to this thread and have them chime in if they have additional anecdotes to contribute.
Will do.. I dont know if they have scubaboard accounts but ill tell them to sign up just for this thread..
I did say a MK25 before because thats part of the reg setup that I had, it was mated to a G250hp.. My dive buddy had a M25 with an S600.. Read the 2 posts above and youll see that..
Ok, Water is freshwater.. Its a quarry called Bainbridge quarry in PA.. Go to divebsc.com and you can get tons of info on the quarry.. Depths are above, its happends 4 times to me between 60 and 100 feet.. Temps are in the 36F-50F range.. Gasses were all done on EAN32 nitrox..
Any other info you need?