And then make sure you understand what they did.ScottZeagle:I realize that many people think this is a silly question, or something that is quite easy to do, but in my opinion, if you have to ask how to assemble it, you should have a professional do it.
My wife and I got the same set-up but we got hers one week and after she dove with it and liked it we ordered mine. Hers came OK.
I got mine home and did a dry run and found that the rigging was all together different including the safe second (Octopus) being connected to one of the low flow ip ports as opposed to using both primaries. It was an easy correction, Ive been in the pneumatics industry for 25 years.
There are too many opinions and "other ways" in this sport. If you don't uinderstand it then you don't know it's right or right for you.
A wise engineer once told me," If you haven't found 2 ways to do something how do you know you chose the right one?"