New Mac OS X Dive App

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Nick, I really like this software, works great with my Atmos AI. Thank You!
Although, how come there are tons of cool features but no ascent rate?
Really, really like the integration with the iPad and Dive Log. Tried it tonight and while I ran into one small snag with the iOS synch (just exit and relaunch), all my dives imported nicely! Thank you for getting this working!
A big thank you to Atomic Aquatics for being a pleasure to deal with, and also for sending me a demo unit to help get things set up. Which, by the way, is a very cool dive computer. It's just a little big for my wrist ;)

:rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3:
A not-so-subtle hint to Ron. :)

They really are cool computers. I was pleasantly surprised to be able to pick it up and navigate around it without any problems or needing to look in a manual. Easy to read underwater too, and rechargeable via USB. Awesome.
Apologies for the huge delay - things have been hectic. Finally getting some time to work on some exciting new features, and hoping to have a new patch out relatively soon.

Originally Posted by Antarctic-Adventurer
Hi Nick/t0w,
- I have a problem with some of my dive location flags. All the dives that I did in one area in Sulawesi wont allow me to change the flag location. I go to the info panel for each of those dives, click on the 'Map' button and drag the flag to the correct location. However it doesn't seem to be saved and when I come back to that dive again the flag has reverted back to its original location. No matter how many times I have tried this, it wont let me save the location. This is strange because this is only happening for around 20 dives, all my other dives work just fine. Is this a known issue?

Can you send me your MacDive.sqlite file and let me know which ones exhibit this behaviour?

- When on the Sites Map view, one can click on a dive flag and bring up a speech bubble showing the dive name, rating, location etc. It would be great to be able to then click on a link/double click and have this take you directly to that dive information in the 'all dives' section. Currently doing this requires manually navigation to the dive.

Nice idea, I can definitely add that.

- Average Dive Depths - Because about 70 of my dives were done before I had a computer, their average dive depth is registered as 0. This data is then included to calculate my overall average dive depth for all my dives. Obviously this brings the average way down and is incorrect. Is there any way to enter a null field instead of a 0 for these dives so there are not including in the stats calculations?

I can fix that up.

- Photo Slideshow for all dives? Currently clicking on a dive in the all dives inspector and then navigating to photos allows one to start a slideshow. Is there anyway to view a slideshow of all photos for a particular range of dives?

Yeah I was thinking of perhaps having a photos mode that could do this - it's somewhere on the to-do list.

Hi Nick, did you ever get around to/or are you still planning to add any of these features we discussed? (My original in black, your reply in blue)

Incidentally, did you ever get to the bottom of the dive flag location issue I reported? I emailed you a while back with my MacDive.sqlite file but never heard back from you. No doubt you are busy with many things.

Thanks for version 2.05! Here's to future improvements in MacDive. ;)
Hi Nick, did you ever get around to/or are you still planning to add any of these features we discussed? (My original in black, your reply in blue)

I must apologise for not getting these things addressed in the current version. I basically ran out of time - the update had taken ~3 months already (trying to get the iPhone in, and then the Cobalt as well) so I made the decision to just get it finished ASAP.

So - now that things are a little less hectic trying to get that done, I will have a look at fixing these issues up for you.

Incidentally, did you ever get to the bottom of the dive flag location issue I reported? I emailed you a while back with my MacDive.sqlite file but never heard back from you. No doubt you are busy with many things.

I don't actually recall seeing an email from you with your MacDive.sqlite, but I'll check when I get home. I probably just missed it or forgot to reply - but I will double check and let you know if I can't find it. Maybe if you can just drop me another email with it just in case.

Thanks for version 2.05! Here's to future improvements in MacDive. ;)

Yup, plenty more in the pipeline. Hopefully another patch out in the next few weeks to smooth things out and there are a couple of little new features/improvements already done too.
Really, really like the integration with the iPad and Dive Log. Tried it tonight and while I ran into one small snag with the iOS synch (just exit and relaunch), all my dives imported nicely! Thank you for getting this working!

There have indeed been a couple of issues with syncing (as to be expected - it's a big and complex process), but there are already quite a number of improvements that will be available in the next patch.
Hi Nick, did you ever get around to/or are you still planning to add any of these features we discussed? (My original in black, your reply in blue)

Ok: I found your sqlite file, so that's all good. I've made a change to ignore dives with an average depth of 0.0 when calculating statistics. That should cover your issue there. It raises your average quite a bit ;)

I can't replicate your map issue - I tried changing your Sulawesi dives and they all change no problem, the coordinates update etc. Both from the dive inspector and from the sites view. Is this still an issue ?

The slideshow and maps stuff I'll have a look at on the weekend, just wanted to address the bugs first. If you want to try out the changes, feel free to drop me a line and I'll send it to you.
Ok: I found your sqlite file, so that's all good. I've made a change to ignore dives with an average depth of 0.0 when calculating statistics. That should cover your issue there. It raises your average quite a bit ;)
Great! Thanks for that. Will this be included in the next update version?

I can't replicate your map issue - I tried changing your Sulawesi dives and they all change no problem, the coordinates update etc. Both from the dive inspector and from the sites view. Is this still an issue ?

That is strange. Yes, I am still having issues. It is only the dives from the Togian Islands in Sulawesi, not the dives from Bunaken and Manado which are fine. Did you try to move the map pin from those dives?

I have attempted to move the pin from both the dive inspector and sites view, but although I can move the pin to where I want, the changes are not saved and just revert after I leave that view and then come back again to check. I have no idea if it is a bug in the software or a google issue. Currently all my Togian Islands dive map pins have defaulted to a location next to the wording "Sulawesi" as written on the google map, which is somewhere in the middle of the island. I have tried quite a few times but the same thing just keeps happening.

If you have the time, would you be able to see if you can move the pins from their current location to the Togian Islands (just under the arm of Sulawesi in the Gulf of Tomini) and see if that works for you?

The slideshow and maps stuff I'll have a look at on the weekend, just wanted to address the bugs first. If you want to try out the changes, feel free to drop me a line and I'll send it to you.

Great! I look forward to seeing any new changes you implement in the next version. And fantastic to hear that you have many new ideas in the pipeline for future releases too!

Thanks for taking the time to help Nick. :cool2:

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