I have used MacDive for a couple of months now and have the following requests:
I wish it would import the rest of the dives from my Sensus Ultra.
There's a chance those dives are gone (the sensus can reset itself). Or that the communication is failing.
I wish it would remember when dives are combined and not re-import the same dive as Unknown forever after.
Is this the last dive ? Or a random dive somewhere in the middle ? And if so, do you have "only import new dives" ticked or unticked ?
I wish there were an iPhone App that it would sync with.
See other posts on this page - you can sync to Dive Log, just not back yet.
I wish that equipment could be grouped so you don't have the add each piece of equipment to each dive.
This is coming! It's just a time thing, and I have very little at the moment.

Just in case you didn't realise, though, you can multi-select bits of gear, and if you have multiple dives selected it gets added to all. At least you don't have to do it one at a time!