Hi, I wanted to charge the scooter today for the first time finally to try it out in the water, the manual says:
"the power light should be on and charging lights should change from green to red within one minute, indicating that the batteries are charging"
But this does not happen, from the start all LEDs are red (after hooking dpv first, then plugging the charger to ac). The manual does not explain this.'
Also, I connected bluetooth,
Looks like one bank is undervolting by 0.1V, is it a concern? (the grey one)
The bluetooth app says 1:20 to completion with 4amps in, I guess it is charging. But I don't think the manual correctly states the state of charging LED lights, there is never a change from green to red, it is red right away. If I hook up just charger to ac, the lights are: one red, one green. But as manual states, hook the dpv first, then charger to ac, all
Power LEDs become red immediately.
EDIT: Looks like the charge is stuck and won't complete, it has been at 5mins left for like 30mins already.
Bluetooth 2, all LEDs are still red. Voltage for the grey one is not increasing beyond what is on the pic in this paragraph. Another 10mins passed, no change, going to disconnect as is. Per manual: "At the end of charging, the CHARGING LED will turn green" does not happen, all LEDs are red.
Bluetooth 3