New flight rules to and from Cozumel?

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Corki is flying back to cozumel tonight...she called CO and they told her that she would still be able to have a carryon plus 1 personal item like a purse etc....she told me she would let me know if anything changed....what they tell you on the phone and what actually happens once you get to they airport could change.....of course each airline and each airport will probably be different...:shakehead:
I was in Toronto over Christmas and after watching the news the last few evenings and hearing there were SIX HOUR delays for flights to the US due to security and changes with carry-on rules, I was glad we were driving.

All these rules are a joke. By the time some whacko tries a method to take a plane down, you know the real masterminds are already on to developing new ways. I really think most of these "attempts" in the last 8 years are just a test anyway. They want to see what does get through and to send a message that whatever rules are put in place, there are ways to work around them if you really want to.

Do they really think one carry-on and remaining in your seat with no blankets, books, electronics, etc., is going to deter terrorist bombers? Really? What's next - are they going to have us remove all our clothing and change into airline provided, disposable outfits and give us a "personal belongings" bag like in the hospital? Come onboard in your paper outfit w/o any stuff, all food and entertainment provided by the airline and we'll collect our clothes and belongings upon deplaning? :shakehead:

As divers and u/w photo and video people, we are screwed. I'm ready to just pick a couple places I think I could be happy diving for the next 10 yrs and store a set of dive gear, camera and video equipment at each. I won't see much of the world, but with the current baggage restrictions and now carry-ons, I don't think I'll be going many places anyway. How can you get your dive gear, other equipment, clothes, etc on the plane if more rules come into play?

I've traveled many places. 20+ yrs ago there were already military all over many airports in the world. In Athens our plane was met on the taxiway by tanks. We got out away from the terminal and were brought in on buses then walked through metal detectors and security check on our way into the terminal. In India you don't get into the airport buildings without showing your ticket and ID.

Americans need to stop being so paranoid about their privacy and personal freedom and get a little more concerned about our collective safety when it comes to travel. Get better security for all flights within, to and from the US. Have a military presence at our airports. Be more selective on who is hired for the TSA jobs. Scan us and search our bags. Add selective secondary screening and not just the random method they now have... Until we are all scrutinized every single time, there will always be a way for the terrorists or independent nut jobs to come up with some way around the rules and restrictions and accomplish their goals.
It's all BS. A guy who is already in the terrorist database, who has lived and "studied" in Yemen for the past several months, whose own parents notify the U.S. that he is a probable threat, buys a one way ticket to the U.S. for cash, and no red lights and bells go off?

This guy would not have been any more suspicious if he wore an "I love Bin Laden" T shirt and a big button saying "I'm a terrorist."

Nevertheless, he is able to get on a plane with a 1/2 pound of explosive powder in his underwear and then lights himself on fire so a passenger has to grab him, just like with the shoe bomber.

So now we have to sit with our hands visible, limit our carry-ons and put away our dvd players for the last hour of the flight. There will be new restrictions on liquids and carry-ons, higher security fees, longer lines and generally more hassle to and expense to travel. That's gonna stop terrorism. Yeah, right.

The last hour thing is particularly stupid as a plane is at greater risk from that kind of attack while it is at altitude. What's the point of the last hour restriction? Make sure the terrorist tries to blow up the plane while the flight attendants aren't too busy?

The body scan machines might help, but will cost millions, are very invasive, and will be run by the same tack-sharp people who let this guy on a plane in the first place. I am sure the scanners will be well maintained and professionally run at airports throughout the mid-east, Asia, and Africa.

So far it seems that airline passengers have foiled more terrorism on planes than all the security crap. Maybe they should require us to carry weapons and fluids instead of banning them?

Sorry, had to rant......
As divers and u/w photo and video people, we are screwed. I'm ready to just pick a couple places I think I could be happy diving for the next 10 yrs and store a set of dive gear, camera and video equipment at each. I won't see much of the world, but with the current baggage restrictions and now carry-ons, I don't think I'll be going many places anyway. How can you get your dive gear, other equipment, clothes, etc on the plane if more rules come into play?

......this is certainly the ominous trend that's going kill off air travel, most especially scuba air it's both gear intensive (heavy/bulky) and photography intensive....and so often the gear is quite expensive and very theft/crime 'vulnerable'....especially as we're heading towards a 'no-carry-ons-allowed' policy.......remember, it appears each terrorist attack shaves one carry on bag off our 'allowance', logically speaking, all it will take is one more similiar attack to drop our carry on allowance to ZERO !!! may become obsolete to even bring scuba gear on planes....just rent everything on site (assuming that's even an option).......however, I don't 'do' rental honestly, if I HAD to choose between renting gear on-site to dive versus stop diving entirely...I will choose to stop diving!
Books, Ipods - allowed.
It is my impression they want your lap to be seen during this time. I asked the FA speciffically if we were allowed the ipods, books and she said yes. if I'm cold...or want to suggle up in my seat with my pillow/blanket and doze/nap...that is now forbidden as the flight attendants want to 'view' my unobstructed 'lap zone' ???
No BOOKS???? And if the electronics have to be put away too, that means you are literally sitting there for an hour with nothing to do. If you have airline issued earphones, I wonder if those are allowed through the end of the flight?

Can someone explain to me why the one hour cut off before landing is significant? How is cutting off reading and typical, innocent flight entertainment an hour before landing going to prevent an attempted attack? Especially if the terrorists KNOW that this is the time frame they have to work within. I simply don't "get" this part.

Christi, you're missing the pending implementation of 'phase 2' , namely, all watches (which are really all just potential bomb timers anyway) will soon be banned in the passenger cabin area.....and if nobody knows what time it is, they won't know when that last magic hour of the flight begins......which will keep the terrorists guessing and off balance, 'cause they can't be sure when the flight attendants will begin that last hour of heightened supervision......
Y'all need to get over that "better, easier, etc." to blow up a plane in the air.

Terrorists don't want to blow a plane in the air. They want to blow it over a city, as populated as possible, and as low as possible so flaming fuel can go everywhere . . . get it? Terrorize as many as possible -- that's the whole idea.

That's why the last hour is with hands observed, laps observed, and the airlines count on people observing each other.

I'm waiting for an airline to step up and take control of this themselves. There seems to be a market for a carrier that can guarantee your safety. The TSA and Homeland Security are a joke, and the carriers should wise up soon and see that the BS security circus is going to ruin their business.

The carrier that advertises that THEY check each passenger for no-fly status, THEY have trained quality inspectors at their gates, THEY have armed pilots and co-pilots, THEY have state of the art security systems and THEY hire only hot chick ninjas for flight attendants is going to do well.

....this comment from the guy that is watching airfare to get the very most cheapest flights for my party of 7....screw security if I can save a few bucks.

Wasn't there an all-nude flight in the past few years? Some TA that booked a nude cruise also booked a nude flight for the cruisers? That might work, what the hell, no worries about underwear bombs. After Googling, it did happen in 2003, from Miami to Cancun even... just a short bag drag in the nude and you're in Coz. Might be the first nude ferry trip.

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